Content Posted in 2017
A.B.A. Code of Professional Responsibility: In Defense of Mediocrity, Harold Brown
Abortion and the Conscience Clause: Current Status, Dennis J. Horan
Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation, Ronald Reagan
Abortion, Bishops, Eucharist, and Politicians: A Question of Communion, Gregory C. Sisk and Charles J. Reid, Jr.
Abortion: From Roe to Webster, Phillip A. Smith
Abortion Rights Mobilization and Religious Tax Exemptions, Charles Capetanakis
Abraham Baldwin and the Establishment Clause, Dr. Mark J. Chadsey
Abuses in the Area of Charitable Solicitation, Robert I. Brauer
A Call for a Genuinely American Jurisprudence, John Underwood Lewis
A Call for Strengthening the Role of Comparative Legal Analysis in the United States, Irene Calboli
A Challenge to Lawyers, Robert F. Drinan, S.J.
A Christian Jurisprudence, John Kuhn Bleimaier
A Civil Litigation at Antioch in the Third Century "The Unlikely Case of the Church Building", Monsignor Thomas J. Harrington
A Constitutional Case for Appointed Counsel in Immigration Proceedings: Revisiting Franco-Gonzalez, Johan Fatemi
A Conversation with Catholic Bishops and Scholars Regarding the Theology of Work and the Dignity of Workers: A Panel Discussion, Most Rev. Stephen E. Blaire, Most Rev. John Michael Botean, Most Rev. R. Daniel Conlon, Most Rev. Nicholas DiMarzio, Most Rev. Ronald Paul Herzog, and Most Rev. Joseph A. Pepe
A Crisis of Faith & the Scientific Future of Patent Theory, Oskar Liivak
A Critique of the Report of the Canon Law Society of America on Due Process, Martin J. McManus
Address: Church and State Today: What Belongs to Caesar, and What Doesn't, Archbishop Charles Chaput
Adequate Psychiatric Treatment - A Constitutional Right
Adoptive Parent Versus Natural Parent: Serving the Gordian Knot of Voluntary Surrenders, Joseph P. Forte
Against Utilitarian Fundamentalism, Robert P. Merges
A Halachic Perspective on the Parent-Child Privilege, Erica Smith-Klocek
A Healing Priest for Others - Venerable Solanus Casey of Detroit, C. Michael Bryce
A Historical Account of the Curran Controversy, Michael Scott Feely
AICPA Accounting Practices Affecting Church Organizations, John McLaughlin
AIDS in the Workplace: Discrimination by Ignorance
AIDS: Legal, Public, and Pastoral Implications
AIDS: Legal, Public, and Pastoral Implications, William F. Bolan, Jr.
AIDS: Legal, Public, and Pastoral Implications, Sr. Joanne Lucid
AIDS: Legal, Public, and Pastoral Implications, Frank C. Morris, Jr.
AIDS: Legal, Public, and Pastoral Implications, Questions and Answers
A Jurisprudence of Faith: An Experiment In Using Theology to Interpret Jurisprudence, Timothy L. Fort
A Jurisprudence of Planning: Notes on the Outline of Law Required to Support and Control Planners, Richard O. Brooks
A Lawyer's Guide to Getting to Heaven, Dwight G. Duncan
Alienation of Church Property Under the New Code of Canon Law, Thomas A. Rayer
Alienation of Church Property Under the New Code of Canon Law, Reverend Donald Heintschel
A Long Overdue Rendezvous for American Legal Education, Daniel J. Morrissey
Alternative Dispute Resolution, Santiago Feliciano, Jr.
Alternative Dispute Resolution, Sister Donna Mikula
Alternative Dispute Resolution, Jessie Clayton Dye
Alternative Dispute Resolution, Patrick Crowley
America - A Nation of Laws and of People, Sol Wachtler
American Bar Association-Red Mass, Father Robert John Araujo, S.J.
American Civil Liberties Union Of New Jersey V. Schundler: Established Endorsement In Need Of "Supreme" Intervention, Gabriel Acri
American College of Trial Lawyers Report and Recommendation on Disruption of the Judicial Process
A Message to New Attorneys, John J. Murphy
A Model for Ecclesial Mediation at the Local Level, Roger A. Kenyon
A Modest Proposal, William J. Mitchell
Analysis of Filer Commission Report, Bishop Raymond J. Gallagher
Analysis of Recent Decisions Involving Abortions, Patrick F. Geary
Analyzing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, Herbert G. Keene, Jr.
An American Experiment: Teaching Canon Law to Students of Common Law, Ladislas Orsy, S.J.
An Analysis of Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing Company v. Commissioner, Gary S. Marx
A New Jurisprudential Aspect of Antisocial Personality Disorder in Relation to Marriage, Reverend Augustine Mendonca
An Examination of the State and Federal Courts' Treatment of the Parent-Child Privilege, Maureen P. O'Sullivan
An Open Letter From One Cousin To Another
Another Aspect of the Financial Crisis in Education: The Current Problem of Support for the Education of Catholic Elementary and Secondary School Children, New York State Council of Catholic School Superintendents
An "Other" Christian Perspective on Lawrence V. Texas, Victor C. Romero
An Overview of Religious Considerations in Child Custody Disputes, J. Michael Fitzgerald
An Overview of the Tax Status of Exempt Organizations, Milton Cerny, Esq., Exempt Organizations, Internal Revenue Service
Application of Christian Principles for the Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers and Refugees in the Field of Labor Rights in the U.S.A., Leland L. Bull, Jr.
Application of Unrelated Business Income Tax to Churches, John S. Nolan
A Reflection on Catholicism, Legalism and Nuclear War, Robert F. Drinan
A Report on the Morals and Manners of Advocates, Henry G. Miller
Article II Complications Surrounding SEC-Employed Administrative Law Judges, Thomas C. Rossidis
A Shared Spirit of Justice - The Union of Law and Equity, Justice's Body and Soul: Canon and Common Law's "Common Ground", Joseph W. Bellacosa
A Sociological Perspective of Racism and the Supreme Court, Sidney M. Willhelm
Asset Management Strategies Revisited, Charles P. Reynolds, Daniel J. Wintz, and Dierdre Dessingue Halloran
As the Pendulum Swings from Charitable Immunity to Bankruptcy, Bringing it to Rest with Charitable Viability, Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki
A Study of Canon Law: Dismissal From the Clerical State in Cases of Sexual Misconduct, Msgr. John A. Alesandro
At The Table In Sarajevo: Reflections On Ethnic Segregation In Bosnia, Charles J. Russo
Audit of Church-Related Schools and Churches, Steven Walker and Steven Holub
Baccalaureate Mass Reflection: The Catholic Lawyer and the Meaning of "Success", John M. Breen
Balancing Rights: The Modern Problem, Rev. Thomas A. Russman
Bankruptcy - The Last Resort: Protecting the Diocesan Client from Potential Liability Judgments, John B. Jarboe
Being a Transgendered Student: An Uphill Fight for Equality, Brian Eisner
Benefits for Conscientious Objectors?, Arthur A. Silverstein
Bequests and Gifts to the Church Under the Code of Canon Law, Reverend Daniel J. Ward
Black-Market Adoptions, Margaret V. Turano
Boddie and Beyond: Rights of the Indigent Civil Litigant, Armand J. Prisco
Book Note: The Human Right to Individual Freedom: A Symposium on World Habeas Corpus
Book Review: THOMAS MORE, By Richard Marius; New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1984; pp. 562, David L. Gregory
Book V: Temporalities Under the Revised Code of Canon Law, Reverend James K. Mallett, S.T.L., M.Ch.A
Born Again on Death Row: Retribution, Remorse, and Religion, Michael A. Simons
Bringing Penance Back to the Penitentiary: Using the Sacrament of Reconciliation as a Model for Restoring Rehabilitation as a Priority in the Criminal Justice System, John Celichowski, O.F.M Cap.
Business Meeting & Report of the General Counsel, NCCB/USCC, Wilfred R. Caron, Esquire
Byrn and Roe: The Threshold Question and Juridical Review, Peter J. Riga
Canadian Abortion Law, Raymond Michael Ferri and Terese Ferri
Canonical and Legal Fallacies of the McGrath Thesis on Reorganizations of Church Entities, Rev. Adam Maida
Canonical Preparation for Marriage: Some New Diocesan Procedures, Rev. Msgr. Gerard C. Krieg
Canon Law & Civil Law Interface: Diocesan Corporations, Reverend Edward L. Buelt and Charles Goldberg
Canon Law Implications of Real Estate Transactions - Impact of the New Canon Law, Reverend Adman J. Maida, J.D., Vice Chancellor & General Counsel, Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Canon Law Issues of Sponsorship, Governance Control and Alienation as They Relate to Catholic Church Entities in the United States: A Diocesan Attorney's Perspective, Bernard C. Huger, Esq.
Can State-Sponsored Religious Symbols Promote Religious Liberty?, Thomas C. Berg
Capital Punishment in the Age of Terrorism, Norman L. Greene, Norman Redlich, David Bruck, Paul Saunders, Richard Weisberg, and Kenneth Roth
Capital Punishment: Is The Catholic Church Abolitionist?, Peter J. Riga
Catholic Health Care And The Diocesan Bishop, Rev. John J. Coughlin, O.F.M.
Catholicism, Ethics and Health Care Policy, Lisa Sowle Cahill
Catholic Lawyers in an Age of Secularism, The Honorable Diarmuid F. O'Scannlain
Catholic Schools and Freedom of Conscience in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, J. Kent Donlevy
Catholics in Public Life: Judges, Legislatures, and Voters, Gregory A. Kalscheur, S.J.
Catholic Social Thought and the Large Multinational Corporation, Gerald J. Russello
Catholic Telecommunications Network of America, Inc.: Diocesan Implications, Wasyl M. Lew, President, Catholic Telecommunications Network of America, Inc.
Catholic Telecommunications Network of America, Inc.: Diocesan Implications, James W. Giddens, Esq., Hughes, Hubbard & Reed, New York
Catholic Telecommunications Network of America, Inc.: Diocesan Implications, Leon T. Knauer, Esq., Wilkinson, Cragun & Barker, Washington, D.C.
Catholic Tradition, and the New Catholic Theology and Social Teaching on the Environment, Robert W. Lannan
Changing Hearts, Changing Minds: A New Evangelical Politics?, Robert J. Delahunty
Charitable Solicitation, Francis X. Doyle
Chicken Soup for the Legal Soul: The Jurisprudence of Saint Thomas More, Brian M. Murray
Child Abuse: Tomorrow's Problems Begin Today, Vincent J. Fontana
Child Placement: Law and Theory, Joel B. Savit
Children Into Men: Lawyers and the Law in Three Novels, Gregory J. Sullivan
Christ and the Code: The Dilemma of the Christian Attorney, Joseph Allegretti
Church Accounting Principals and Reporting Practices: A Perspective for Lawyers, Monsignor Austin P. Bennett, Chairman, Accounting Practices Committee, United States Catholic Conference
Church and State: Consistency of the Catholic Church's Social Teaching, Christopher T. Carlson
Church and State: Partners in Freedom, Most Rev. Anthony J. Bevilacqua
Churches and the Tax on Unrelated Business Income, Charles M. Whelan, S.J.
Church Lobbying: The Legal Constraints, John D. Aldock
Church Organizations Under the Pension Reform Act, Alvin D. Lurie
Church Participation in Federal Communications Commission Licensing and Administration, Mark E. Chopko and Katherine G. Grincewich
Church Real Estate Issues, Thomas J. Fadoul Jr.
Church-State Cases, Wilfred R. Caron, General Counsel, United States Catholic Conference
Church-State Cases, James E. Serritella, Reuben & Proctor Chicago, Illinois
Church-State Incursions, Patrick F. Geary, Assistant General Counsel, United States Catholic Conference
Church-State Relations from a Catholic Perspective: General Considerations on Nicolas Sarkozy's New Concept of Laïcité Positive, Fr. Evaldo Xavier Gomes
Civil Rights Impact on the Church, Stuart D. Hubbell
Claims of Conscience, Claims of Community, Gerald J. Russello
Clergy Arbitrator Liability: A Potential Pitfall of Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Church, Lee Tarte
Comments on the Nuremberg Principles and Conscientious Objection with Special Reference to War Crimes, Robert K. Woetzel
Commitment to and in Marriage, Leon Salzman
Common Copyright Calamities, G. Franklin Rothwell, Esq.
Community Involvement in Public School Education, Doris Obremski
Compelling Hospitals to Provide Abortion Services, Martin F. McKernan, Jr.
Compulsory Medical Treatment of Adults, Peter J. Riga
Conference Introduction: American Religious Liberty, French Laïcité, and the Veil, Douglas Laycock
Confidentiality of Chancery Documents, Patrick F. Geary
Confidentiality of Ecclesiastical Records, Reverend Edward Dillion, J.C.D.
Conflict in the Courts: Obscenity Control & First Amendment Freedoms, Father Edward J. Berbysse, S.J.
Conscience and the Common Good: An Alternative Perspective, Patrick McKinley Brennan
Conscience and the Common Good: An Introduction, Robert K. Vischer
Constitutional Barriers to Public Assistance for Parochial Schools
Constitutional Crisis, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Constitutionality of Legislation Denying Tax Exempt Status to Racially Discriminatory Schools, Eileen M. Hanrahan, Esq.
Constitutional Jurisprudence of Law and Religion: Privacy v. Piety - Has the Supreme Court Petered Out?, Matthew A. Ritter, M.Div., J.D., Ph.D.
Contemporary Advocacy: Value-Free?, John McCarthy, QC
Contemporary Challenges to Catholic Lawyers, The Honorable Henry J. Hyde
Contract Law as a Viable Alternative to Problems of Informed Consent, Martin L. Norton
Copyright and Cognition: Musical Practice and Music Perception, Olufunmilayo B. Arewa
Corporate America and "The Perks" of Being a Woman: Increasing Gender Diversity in Corporate Boardrooms, Enkelena Gjuka
Crime and Punishment: A Catholic Perspective, Joseph L. Falvey, Jr.
Crime and the Law: Sociologico-Legal Observations, Wenceslas J. Wagner
Critical Abortion Litigation, Dennis J. Hoaran, Hinshaw, Culbertson, Hobon & Fuller Chicago, Illinois
Critical Developments in the Vow of Poverty Area and Update on Unrelated Business, Charles M. Whelan, S.J., Professor of Law, Fordham Law School; Office of General Counsel, United States Catholic Conference
Cruel and Unusual Punishment: Of Straps and Strip Cells, Vincent C. Alexander and Neil A. Nowick
Culture of Life, Culture of Death, Rev. Msgr. George P. Graham
Current Attitudes of the Courts Toward Church Properties and Liabilities, Charles M. Whelan, S.J., Professor of Law, Fordham Law School; Office of General Counsel, United States Catholic Conference
Current Litigation, William B. Ball, Esq.
Current Tax Issues Affecting Religious Organizations, Howard M. Schoenfeld
Current Tax Problems and Implications: Experience in Indiana and Virginia, William J. O'Connor
Death by a Thousand Cuts: Why Market Mechanisms Won't Solve the Culture Wars, Nora O'Callaghan
Death with Dignity Legislation, Most Reverend Walter F. Sullivan
Death with Dignity Legislation, Nicholas A. Spinella
Decisions to Forego Medical Treatment: The Preferred Medical, Ethical, and Legal Approach, J. Stuart Showalter
Decorating the Structure: The Art of Making Human Law, Brian M. McCall
Defend the Rights of the Poor, Gordon J. Beggs
Defining the Meaning and Purpose of Justice, Law, and Criminal Justice: A Hermeneutical Judeo-Christian Biblical Perspective, Arthur H. Garrison
Delivery Room Resuscitation of the High-Risk Infant: A Conflict of Rights, Rebecca Cooper, M.D.
Determination of Death Legislation, Robert C. Robinson, Robinson & Kriger Portland, Maine
Determining Death: The Legal and Theological Aspects of Brian-Related Criteria, J. Stuart Showalter
Developments in Liability Theories and Defenses, Robert A. Destro
Difficult Definitional Problems in Tax Administration: Religion and Race, Jerome Kurtz
Dignity of Life Developments, Dennis J. Horan, Hinshaw, Culbertson, Moelman, Goban & Fuller Chicago, Illinois
Diocesan Asset Management Strategies: The Civil Law Perspective, William F. McCarthy
Diocesan Liability for the Negligence of a Priest, Edward D. Hotz, Hotz, Kluver, Kiger & Kahn Omaha, Nebraska
Diocesan Real Estate Transactions - Canon and Civil Law Implications, Bernard C. Huger, Huger & Cramer St. Louis, Missouri
Diocesan Self-Insurance Programs: The Philadelphia Approach, John P. O'Dea
Disabilities Discrimination Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Thomas P. Murphy
Discipline and Order in the Pre-Constantinian Church: The Constantinian Settlement of the Fourth Century, Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington
Disclosure Versus Confidentiality, Richard D. Kuhn
Discovery and use of Church Records by Civil Authorities, David J. Young, Esquire and Steven W. Tigges, Esquire
Discovery of Church Records, Carl A. Eck
Discrete Tax Issues for Clergy and Religious, Deirdre A. Dessingue, Esq.
Discrimination in Employment, Housing, and Education: Constitutional Concepts and Social Theories, Frederick D. Braid
Distinguished Lecture, His Eminence Edward Cardinal Egan
Due Process and the Deportable Alien: Limitation on State Department Participation in Withholding of Deportation Inquiry, James Quinlan
Due Process: Constitutional Rights and the Stigma of Sexual Abuse Allegations in Child Custody Proceedings, Colleen McMahon
Duty to Serve the Common Good, Lewis F. Powell, Jr.
Ecclesiastical Tribunals - Procedures in Marital Cases, Monsignor Marion J. Reinhardt, Administrative Judge of the Tribunal for the Diocese of Brooklyn
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Editorial Comment, Edward T. Fagan
Education Litigation, Kevin T. Baine
Elimination of the Locker Room Closet: Analysis of Current Laws and Professional Sports Leagues' Policies Toward Gay Athletes, Sayed Masoud Mortazavi
Embezzlement - The Next Generation, Joseph A. DiVito, Esq. and Kevin M. Kearney, Esq.
Emerging From Daimler's Shadow: Registration Statutes as a Means to General Jurisdiction Over Foreign Corporations, Nicholas D'Angelo
Energy Conservation Grants Under the National Energy Conservation Policy Act of 1978, Gerald C. Tobin, Reuben & Proctor, Chicago, Illinois
Enforcing the Fourth Amendment: The Original Understanding, Bradford Wilson
English-Only Policies: The Need For and Benefits of the Employment Language Fairness Act, Nick Stratouly, Esq.
Equal Educational Opportunity: A Case for the Children, Kathaleen B. Burke
Error as to the Quality of the Person in Canon Law, Msgr. Marion J. Reinhardt
ESEA Title I Litigation - A National View, Charles H. Wilson, Jr., Williams & Connolly Washington, D.C.
ESEA Title I Litigation - Update, Charles H. Wilson, Esq., Williams & Connolly, Washington, D.C.
Essence of Due Process, Robert N.C. Nix
Essential Incompatibility as Grounds for Nullity of Marriage, Marion Justin Reinhardt and Gerard J. Arella
Estoppel and Immigration, Geraldine O'Donnell
Ethics and Law School Admission, Anthony J. Scanlon
Ethics in the Everyday Practice of Law, Rev. Thomas J. Paprocki
Eulogy for Harold F. McNiece, Msgr. Charles E. Diviney
Euthanasia, The Gentle Death: A Legal and Ethical Prospectus on the Right to Die, Kirkland Alan Fulk
Evangelium Vitae: Crossing the Threshold of Law with the Gospel of Life, David A. Daigle
Ex Corde Ecclesiae: Reflections, Perspectives and Proposals, Joseph W. Bellacosa
Executing the Innocent: How to Remedy a State's Wrong, Nicole Megale
Exemptions From Unrelated Business Tax - Rental Income, George E. Reed
Expert Proof of Psychic Incapacity in Marriage Cases Under Canon Law, Rev. John G. Proctor, Jr.
Faculty Memorial for Dr. Harold F. McNiece
Faith, Pluralism, and the Practice of Law, Robert K. Vischer
Faith, the State, and the Humility of International Law, Mark Weston Janis
Fault in the Law: The Influence of the Penitentials on the Anglo-Saxon Legal System, Erika Nagy Lert
FDIC/Cash Management, David F. Menz, Joseph E. Kane, and Thomas Drought
Federal and State Protection Against Commercial Exploitation of Endangered Wildlife
Federal Constitutional Childcare Parents, Jeffrey A. Parness
Federal Program Redirection: Implications to Service to People, Msgr. Lawrence Corcoran
Federal Program Redirection: Implications to Service to People, Francis X. Doyle
Federal Program Redirection: Implications to Service to People, John E. Cosgrove
Federal Tax Code Restrictions on Church Political Activity, Deirdre Dessingue Halloran and Kevin M. Kearney
Federal Tuition Tax Credits and the Establishment Clause: A Constitutional Analysis, David J. Young and Steven W. Tigges
Felix Culpa - Report From the Ad Hoc Committee on School Aid, Most Rev. William E. McManus
Fetal Jurisprudence - A Debate in the Abstract, Robert J. Araujo
Financing Private Energy Projects in the Third World, William M. Stelwagon
Finding Interior Peace in the Ordinary Practice of Law: Wisdom from the Spiritual Tradition of St. Teresa of Avila, Jacqueline Nolan-Haley
First World Congress of Victimology: Victim-Witness Intimidation, William C. Toomey
Foreword to Laïcité in Comparative Perspective, Mark L. Movsesian
Foreword to "The Theology of Work and the Dignity of Workers", David L. Gregory
Forming the Well-Formed Conscience, Robert John Araujo
Freedom of Information: Due Process of the Right to Know, Luis Kutner
Freedom Through Value, Rev. John S. Conner, C.M.
Funding Public Education: A Need for Legislative Reform, Felix L. D'Arienzo
Further Comment on People v. Belous
Gatsby, Springsteen, and the Rich Young Man, John M. Facciola
Gay Rights Coalition v. Georgetown University: Failure to Recognize a Catholic University's Religious Liberty, Paul E. O'Connell
Gender Inequality in Immigration Law: Why a Parent's Gender Should Not Determine a Child's Citizenship, Alexandra Struzzieri
General Personnel Issues, William T. Hopkins
Genesis and Analysis of "Integrated Auxiliary" Regulation, George E. Reed
God and Man in the Catholic Law School, Leonard J. Nelson, III
God, Man and the Law, John Kuhn Bleimaier
Governance Issues For Non-Profit Religious Organizations, Jill S. Manny
Greetings and Remarks of Stanley H. Fuld
Guideline Amendments Dramatically Change the Structure of Organizational Fines, Paul E. Fiorelli
Harmonizing Plural Societies: The Case of Lasallians, Families, Schools - and the Poor, Patrick McKinley Brennan
Harold F. McNiece, John V. Thornton
Harold F. McNiece, Charles M. Sparacio
Health Care Reform - The Catholic Health Perspective, William J. Cox
Hiding Behind the Veil of Ambiguity: Why Courts Should Apply the Plain Meaning of the Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Provisions, Daniel Gilpin
Homecoming Address, Hon. Dominick L. Gabrielli
Homily at Red Mass: St. Mary's Church, Evansville, Indiana, William R. Burleigh
Homosexuality and Nullity - Developing Jurisprudence, Rev. Msgr. Walter F. Kenny
Homosexuality and Validity of Matrimony - A Study in Homo-Psychosexual Inversion, John Rogg Schmidt
Homosexuality and Validity of Matrimony - A Study in Homo-Psychosexual Inversion, John Rogg Schmidt
Homosexuality and Validity of Matrimony - A Study in Homo-Psychosexual Inversion, John Rogg Schmidt
Honors, Awards, and the Catholic Moral Tradition, Karen Stohr
Housing for the Elderly - 202 Program, Richard M. Millman
How Secular Ideology is Marginalizing the Rule of Law and Catholic Contributions to Law and Society II: The Ten Commandments and the Rejection of Divine Law in American Jurisprudence, Dr. Charles I. Lugosi
How to Read International Criminal Law: Strict Construction and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Caroline Davidson
Human Development as an Intellectual Property Metric, J. Janewa Osei-Tutu
Human Dignity First: John Paul II, Systems Analysis, and the ERISA Fiduciary, Alison McMorran Sulentic
Humane Provisions For Aborted Human Remains, Patrick Monaghan
Human Life and Abortion, Paul V. Harrington
Human Life Federalism Amendment - II. Legislative Update, James Robinson, Director Government Liaison, United States Catholic Conference
Human Life Federalism Amendment - I. Legal Aspects, Wilfred R. Caron, General Counsel, United States Catholic Conference
Human Life Federalism Amendment - I. Legal Aspects, Dennis J. Horan, Esq.
Human Life Federalism Amendment - I. Legal Aspects, Professor John S. Noonan, University of California
Human Life Federalism Amendment - I. Legal Aspects, Professor Lynn D. Wardle, Brigham Young University
Human Rights in America, Walter F. Mondale
Ideological Independence in the American Political Experiment, John S. Connor, C.M.
If the Catholic Church Administrated Prisons: Saint Benedict's Rule and Reform, James Franzetti
Ignatian Spirituality and the Life of the Lawyer: Finding God in All Things - Even in the Ordinary Practice of the Law, Gregory A. Kalscheur, S.J.
Illusion or Protection? Free Exercise Rights and Laws Mandating Insurance Coverage of Contraception, Edward T. Mechmann, Esq.
Immigration Reform, Carlos Ortiz Miranda
Implementation of Wolman, David Young
Implementation of Wolman, Edward J. Leadem
Implementation of Wolman, Leon Hebert
Improving Judicial Administration by Repealing the Requirements for Three-Judge District Courts, Michael J. Mullen
Increased Franchising Opportunities for Minorities: Some Legal Options, Philip Harris and Frank J. Macchiarola
In Defense of Ethics: New Considerations After the Packard Commission, Paul E. Fiorelli
Individual Liberty and the Common Good - The Balance: Prayer, Capital Punishment, Abortion, Brendan F. Brown
Influences of an "Annulment Mentality", Cornelius J. van der Poel, C.S.Sp
In Memoriam Harold F. McNiece, Hon. Charles S. Desmond
In Memory of Robert F. Drinan, S.J., Christopher J. Borgen
In Pari Delicto Deconstructed: Dismantling the Doctrine that Protects the Business Entity's Lawyer from Malpractice Liability, Paula Schaefer
In Search of Evidence Against A Criminal Defendant: The Constitutionality of Judicially Ordered Surgery, Brendan J. Hanley
Instructions for Filling Out Form 990-T, Byron A. Parker
Instructions For Parochial Temporal Administration, Sr. Mary J. O'Brien, R.S.M.
Insurance Coverage Issues in Cases of Clergy Misconduct, James A. Serritella
Integrated Auxiliaries, Regulations and Implications, George E. Reed
Integrity: The Shield of Justice, John Tracy Ellis
Internal Revenue Service Developments, Deirdre A. Dessingue, Assistant General Counsel, United States Catholic Conference
International Eminent Domain, Luis Kutner
Inter Partes Review and Federal Litigation: Parallel Proceedings and Inconsistent Results, Stephen N. Kulhanek
"Intimately Linked": Examining Religious Protection for Student Expressions of Sexual Abstinence, Stephanie R. Tumbiolo
Intolerable Marriage Situations Revisited, James H. Provost
Intra-Church Dispute Resolution, Jessie Clayton Dye, Patrick Crowley, and John Evelius
Introduction, Robert F. Drinan, S.J.
Introduction, Mark L. Movsesian
Introduction, David L. Gregory
Introduction, Michael A. Simons
Introduction, Amelia J. Uelmen
Introduction, Susan J. Stabile
Introduction, Rev. Robert N. Lynch
Introduction: Whom Should a Catholic Law School Honor?, Amelia J. Uelmen
Introductory Note: Personal Values and the Character of the Lawyer, Joseph A. Morris, C.M., Ph.D
Introductory Note: Symposium On Lawyering and Personal Values-Responding To The Problems Of Ethical Schizophrenia, Samuel J. Levine
Is There a Right to Unilateral Humanitarian Intervention and, If Not, Do Catholic Social Principles Demand One?, John P. Curley
"It's Hard Work": Reflections on Conscience and Citizenship in the Catholic Tradition, Amelia J. Uelmen
Jacob's Blessing, Cooperative Grace, and Practicing Law With a Limp, John M.A. DiPippa
Jacques Maritain on the Natural Law and its Application, Charles P. Nemeth
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Refusal of Blood Transfusions: A Balance of Interests, Geraldine Koeneke Russell and Donald Wallace
Jimmy Carter - Human Rights, Richard M. O'Dea
John Paul II and the Rule of Law: Bringing Order to International Disorder, Rev. Robert John Araujo, S.J.
John Paul II: The Quintessential Religious Witness in the Public Square, Gregory C. Sisk
Judaism and John Paul II: Coming to Grips with What Law Means in the Hands of God, Randy Lee
Judges and Judicial Process in the Jurisprudence of St. Thomas Aquinas, Charles P. Nemeth, J.D., Ph.D., LL.M.
Judicial Activism - The Violation of an Oath, Edward J. Melvin, C.M.
Judicial Reform, John F. Market
Justice O'Connor, the Constitution, and the Trimester Approach to Abortion: A Liberty on a Collision Course With Itself, Richard F. Duncan
Kastigar v. United States: The Immunity Standard Redefined, Richard McMahon
Keepers of the New Covenant: The Puritan Legacy in American Constitutional Law, Daniel F. Piar
Kelsen's Pure Theory of Law, Henry Cohen
Keynote Address, John L. Allen, Jr.
Laborem Exercens Encyclical of the Supreme Pontiff, Pope John Paul II
Labor Songs: The Provocative Product of Psalmists, Prophets, and Poets, Raymond A. Franklin and David L. Gregory
Laïcité in Comparative Perspective Panel Discussion, Nina J. Crimm, Javier Martinez-Torron, and Elizabeth Zoller
Laïcité in France - Contemporary Issues Panel Discussion, Nathalie Caron, Blandine Chelini- Pont, Rosemary C. Salomone, and Emmanuel Tawil
Law and Religion in America: The New Picture, William B. Ball
Law as Eschatology, John D. Haskell and Jessica Fish
Law as Ministry: A Perspective from the Judeo-Christian Tradition, Fred M. Enman, S.J.
Law, Morality, and Thomas More, Honorable Robert H. Bork
Lawyering in the Little Way of St. Thérèse of Lisieux with Complete Abandonment and Love, Michael A. Scaperlanda
Lawyers and Advocates In The Jurisprudence of St. Thomas Aquinas, Charles P. Nemeth, J.D., Ph.D., LL.M.
Lawyers in America: A Profession in Search of Direction, Paul L. Savage and Richard A. Gabriel
Learning from the Unpleasant Truths of Interfaith Conversation: William Stringfellow's Lessons for the Jewish Lawyer, Russell G. Pearce
Legal Critique of President Carter's Proposals on Undocumented Aliens, Rev. Msgr. Anthony J. Bevilacqua
Legal Ethics Education and the Dynamics of Reform, Elizabeth D. Gee
Legal Issues in a New Political Order, William P. Barr
Legal/Legislative Issues in Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide, Edward Grant
Legal Needs of Catholic School Administrators, Reverend Robert J. Yeager, Executive Director National Catholic Education Association, Washington, D.C.
Legal Status and Administrative Control of Religious Organizations and Groups in France, Andrew D. West
Legislative Activities of 501(c)(3) Organizations, Lawrence N. Woodworth
Legislative Curtailment of Jurisdiction of Federal Courts, Angelo Aiosa, Esq.
Legislative Proposals to Curtail the Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts, Honorable Peter J. Rodino
Litigating Against Distant Insurance Carriers, Michael C. Geraghty
Looking Beyond the Mercy/Justice Dichotomy: Reflections on the Complementary Roles of Mercy and Justice in Jewish Law and Tradition, Samuel J. Levine
Love, Law and Life: Religious Women in America, Sister Joan De Lourdes, C.S.J.
Lunch Program, Samuel Estreicher
Maintaining Competency Among Lawyers: How Far Have We Come?, Jerri D. Gilbreath
Marriage Contracts for the Mentally Retarded, John B. Murray
Matching for Adoption: A Study of Current Trends
May I Be Excused? Smith's Individualized Governmental Assessment Exception and the HHS Mandate, Mary E. McMahon
McGrath Fallacies: Remarks of William B. Ball, William B. Ball
Media Crises, Marge Injasoulian and Gregory L. Leisse
Meek v. Pittenger: Will It Precipitate a Solution?, Joseph G. Skelly
Memorial on Harold F. McNiece, Rev. Joseph T. Tinnelly
Migration Today: A Social Justice Issue, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio
Mission and Priesthood in the Church, Rev. Richard P. McBrien
Morales v. Portuondo: Has the Seal of the Confessional Sprung a Leak?, Jordan B. Woods
Moral Issues and the Virtuous Judge: Reflections on the Nomination and Confirmation of Supreme Court Justices, Robert J. Araujo, S.J.
Morality in Legal Practice: Defense of the Guilty
Morality in Legal Practice: Disclosure
Morality in Legal Practice: Disclosure
Morals for Home, Morals for Office: The Double Ethical Life of a Civil Littigator, Patricia L. Rizzo
More About More, The Honorable William G. Bassler
Mormonism and Same-Sex Marriage: Theological Underpinnings and New Perspectives, Seth R. Payne
Morris R. Cohen: A Philosopher's Influence on the Law, Harry N. Rosenfield
Multinational Corporations, Miriam Theresa Rooney
Must Canon Law be Color Blind?, Patricia A. Goler
Narcissism: Its Relation to Personality Disorders and Church Marriage Annulments, Edward J. Komora
National Coalition for Public Education & Religious Liberty v. Harris, Charles H. Wilson, Williams & Connolly, Washington, D.C.
National Labor Relations Board v. Catholic Bishop of Chicago, James E. Serritella, Reuben & Proctor, Chicago, Illinois
National Origin Discrimination Against Americans of Southern and Eastern European Ancestry: A Review of the Legal History and Judicial Interpretations, Rachel Rossoni Munafo
Natural Law and the "Is" - "Ought" Question, Henry Veatch
Natural Law and the "Is" - "Ought" Question: An Invitation to Professor Veatch, John Finnis
Natural Law Basis for the Copyright Doctrine of Droit Moral, Robert C. Hauhart
Natural Law Theory and the Declaration on Religious Freedom of the Second Vatican Council, Charles P. Kindregan
New Approaches to Church-State Litigation, David J. Young, Murphy, Young & Smith Columbus, Ohio
New Constitutional and Penal Theory in Spanish Abortion Law, Richard Smith
New Copyright Law and Its Implications, John A. Liekweg
New Mixed Marriage Norms: Practical and Procedural Aspects for Chancery Personnel, Rev. Msgr. Paul J. Schierse
New Wine, Old Wineskins: Application of Intellectual Property Law to Web-Based Activity, Katherine G. Grincewich, Esq.
New Wine, Old Wineskins: Emerging Issues In Internet-Based Personal Jurisdiction, Jeffrey Hunter Moon, Esq.
New York Psychologists and Social Workers: Confidentiality and Professional Malpractice, Dianne S. Landi
Nine Rulings: Three Wins, Three Losses, and Three Remands on Government Aid to Church-Related Institutions, T. Raber Taylor
NLRB and Parochial Schools, Gerald C. Tobin
NLRB Jurisdiction Over Religious Schools and the Religion Clause of the First Amendment, Richard J. Curiale
No-Fault Divorce Laws: An Overview and Critique, James T. McHugh
"Not Charity But Justice": Charles Gore, Workers, and the Way, John F. Wirenius
Not the Bishops' Finest Hour: Economic Justice with Cerberus Unchained?, David L. Gregory
Not Will, But Judgment, John Mitchell
Nuclear Weapons and Crimes against Humanity under International Law, John Kuhn Bleimaier
Obscenity: Its Moral Meaning and Scope, John S. Connor, C.M.
Obscenity Law: Après Stanley, Le Deluge?, Michael J. Gaynor
Obscenity Law: Le Deluge Postponed
Oeconomia: A Corrective to Law, George A. Maloney, S.J.
OGC Issues Roundtable, Deirdre Halloran
OGC Issues Roundtable, Carlos Ortiz Miranda
OGC Issues Roundtable, Phil Harris
OGC Issues Roundtable, John Liekweg
OGC Issues Roundtable, Katherine Grincewich
OGC Issues Roundtable, Helen Alvare
On Choosing Clients and Careers: A Speculative Essay on the Problems of Initial Choice, Joseph P. Tomain
One Catholic's Thoughts on Voting for a President, Susan J. Stabile
On Eccentric Constitutional Jurisprudence, William D. Valente
On Encouraging Lawyers to Serve the Poor, John F. Castellano
On Lawyers and Moral Discernment, Robert E. Rodes, Jr.
On Love, Technology, and Law, The Honorable Howard T. Markey
On Religious Legal Ethics, Thomas L. Shaffer
On the Ethics of Lawyers, Peter J. Riga
On the Legal Status of the Unborn, Stephen J. Heaney
On the Prevention of Violence, Robert A. Friedlander
Opening Address, Rev. Donald J. Harrington, C.M.
Ordinary Unethical Behavior: Jewish Law, the Duty of Good Faith, and Abusive Return Practices, Moshe O. Boroosan
Origin and Impact of Government Regulations, Rev. Charles M. Whelan, S.J.
Origin and Impact of Government Regulations, George E. Reed
Origin and Impact of Government Regulations, Joseph M. Fitzgerald
Our Lady of the Common Law, Benjamin N. Cardozo
Overview of the Revised Code of Canon Law, Monsignor John A. Alesandro
Pale and Wan, Comatose Maybe, But Not Dead: A Response to Bleimaier, Sanford R. Silverburg
Panel Discussion on Unrelated Business Income Tax, Robert M. Spevack; Charles M. Whelan, S.J.; and George E. Reed
Parental Control of Public School Curriculum, Kenneth A. Schulman
Partnerships or Joint Ventures as Vehicles to Achieve Charitable Objectives, James J. McGovern
Partnerships or Joint Ventures as Vehicles to Achieve Charitable Objectives, Bruce R. Hopkins
Patent Law, Copyright Law, and the Girl Germs Effect, Ann Bartow
Payments in Lieu of Taxes: The Philadelphia Experience, George S. Forde, Jr. and Christopher E. Cummings
Pending Legislation Affecting Church Organizations, James L. Robinson
People v. Eulo: New York Adopts the Brain Death Standard for Homicide Cases
People v. Selikoff: The Route to Rational Plea Bargaining, John F. Byrne
Peremptory Challenge - Divining Rod for a Sympathetic Jury?, Gilda Mariani
Permissive Statute of Limitation Policies, Francis S. Ainsa
Personal Responsibility for Professional Actions, Simon Yeznig Balian
Personal Values Within Our Profession, Gordon L. Gray
Photography and the Right to Privacy: The French and American Approaches, W. J. Wagner
Physician Assisted Suicide a Constitutional Right?, Kathleen McGowan
Political Developments in the Abortion Area, James L. Robinson, Director, Office of Government Liaison, United States Catholic Conference
Pope Francis and the Vocation of the Lawyer: Reflections on Service and Responsibility, Lucia A. Silecchia
Pope John Paul II and the "Preferential Option for the Poor", Rev. Gerald S. Twomey, Ph.D.
Possible Effects of Ecclesiology on Canon Law, Rev. George K. Malone
Practical Reason and Subsidiarity: Response to Robert K. Vischer, Conscience and the Common Good, Michael P. Moreland
Prayer at the Heart of Justice, Deborah M. Cerullo
Precluding FDCPA Claims in Bankruptcy, Natalie Ko
Preparation of Forms 990 and 990-T, John Myers
President Nixon's Prescience: The Honorable Kevin Thomas Duffy, Timothy John Casey
President's Address to the Judiciary, Richard M. Nixon
Presumption as a Matter of Law and Eternal Salvation, Thomas J. Paprocki
Privacy and the Right to Die, Peter J. Riga
Problem Parishioners, William J. Wood, Esq.
Problem Parishioners, William A. Cambria, Esq.
Problem Parishioners, Jack M. Hammel, Esq.
Problems Emerging in ESEA, Eugene Krasicky
Professing Professionals: Christian Pilots On The River Of Law, Daniel O. Conkle
Property and Contracts in Church Law, Reverend Jordan Hite
Property Transactions That May Jeopardize the Patrimonial Condition of Public Juridic Persons in the Church, Rev. Jerome L. Jung
Prophets, Cartoons, and Legal Norms: Rethinking the United Nations Defamation of Religious Provisions, Joshua Foster
Proposed Changes in Canonical Matrimonial Legislation, Francis G. Morrisey, O.M.I.
Proposed Internal Revenue Service Procedure Regarding Revocation of Tax Exempt Status for Private Schools Which Discriminate on the Basis of Race, David L. Anderson
Protecting the Antiterrorism Tools of American Citizens: Limiting the Application of Daimler's "At-Home" Test, Alexis Casamassima
Protecting the Rights of the Mentally Disabled in Administrative Proceedings, Robert T. Drapkin
Protection Against the Discovery or Disclosure of Church Documents and Records, Jeffrey Hunter Moon
Provisions of Uncompensated Care in American Hospitals: The Role of the Tax Code, the Federal Courts, Catholic Health Care Facilities, and Local Governments in Defining the Problem of Access for the Poor, Charles J. Milligan, Jr.
Psychological Factors Involved in Ecclesiastical Annulments, Leo Alex McCandlish, Ph.D
Purpose-Focused Sentencing: How Reforming Punishment Can Transform Policing, Jelani Jefferson Exum
Putting Faith Back Into Constitutional Scholarship: A Defense of Originalism, Kathleen A. Brady
Quantitative Inference with the Right to Life: Abortion and Irish Law, Mary Mathews
Questions to George Reed, John Myers and Andrew Parker
Racial Classifications in Law School Admissions, Donald J. Rosenberg
Reading The Life of a Saint - Sir Thomas More, Daniel J. Morrissey
Real Property Tax Exemption - Current Trends at the State Level, James A. Serritella, Reuben & Proctor Chicago, Illinois
Real Property Tax Exemption - Current Trends in the State of New York, Charles J. Tobin, New York State Catholic Conference Albany, New York
Reaping Where They Have Not Sowed: Have American Churches Failed To Satisfy the Requirements for the Religious Tax Exemption?, Vaughn E. James
"Reasonable Accommodation" Under Title VII: Is it Reasonable to the Religious Employee?, Thomas D. Brierton
Recent Abortion Litigation, Martin F. McKernan, Jr.
Recent Developments in Accounting Concepts and Standards for Churches and Church-Related Organizations, Theobald During, Comptroller, Diocese of Brooklyn
Recent Developments in the Abortion Area, Alfred L. Scanlan
Reconciling The Sanctity Of Human Life, The Declaration Of Independence, And The Constitution, Paolo Torzilli
Records Management, John J. Treanor
Rediscovering Realism in Ethics, Rev. Ronald D. Lawler
Reflections on Just Wars and Just Warriors, Joseph L. Falvey, Jr.
Reforming New York City's "ULURP": Less Confusing than its Name, Alfred M. Williams, Jr.
Regional Institutions Assuring the Development of Fundamental Liberties: The American Hemisphere, John L. A. de Passalacqua
Regional Meetings of Diocesan Attorneys, Joseph J. Brandlin, Esquire
Regional Meetings of Diocesan Attorneys, James A. Serritella, Esquire
Regulating Stop and Frisk in New York City, Edwar Estrada
Rehabilitating the "Mystery Passage": An Examination of the Supreme Court's Anthropology Using the Personalistic Norm Explicit in the Philosophy of Karol Wojtyla, Michael Scaperlanda
Relationship of Civil Rights Issues to Education and Taxation, John A. Liekweg, Assistant General Counsel, United States Catholic Conference
Religion, Neutrality, and the Public School Curriculum: Equal Treatment or Separation?, Matthew D. Donovan
Religion, Sanity, and the Law, Anthony Hofler
Religion, Sincerity, and Free Exercise, Peter J. Riga
Religious Discrimination in Institutions and Services, Vincent C. Allred
Religious Discrimination in Institutions and Services, J.P. Darrouzet
Religious Employers and Statutory Prescription Contraceptive Mandates, Susan J. Stabile
Religious Institutes - Property and Tax Issues, Sister Cecilia Meighan
Religious Liberty and Protections in Europe, Elizabeth F. Defeis
Religious Symbols and the Law, Hon. Diarmuid F. O'Scannlain
Reporter's Privilege and the First Amendment, Angela M. DeMeo
Report of General Counsel, Eugene Krasicky
Report on Pending Federal Legislation, James Robinson
Report On Tax and Litigation Developments, George E. Reed, Consultant, Office of the General Counsel, United States Catholic Conference
Revamping Police/Urban Community/ Youth Relations by Recognizing the Errors of the Past and Moving Towards Building Relationships, Joanna N. Lopez, Esq.
Revenue Procedure on Racial and Ethnic Discrimination in Schools, Charles W. Rumph
Revenue Ruling 77-290, George E. Reed
Revenue Ruling 78-248, Thomas A. Horkan, Executive Director, Florida Catholic Conference
Revenue Ruling 78-248: The Congress and the Constitution be Damned, Alfred L. Scanlan, Shea & Gardner, Washington, D.C.
Rights And Responsibilities Between Dioceses And Religious Communities, Nicholas P. Cafardi, Esq. and Rev. Jordan Hite, T.O.R.
Rights in Canon Law for Persons with Mental Disabilities, Rev. Joseph N. Perry
Roemer v. Board of Public Works, Maryland: The Supreme Court's Evaluation of the Religious Mission of Catholic Colleges and Church Expectations, Vincent R. Vasey, S.M.
Roe v. Doe: Child's Right to a College Education v. Parent's Right of Control, William C. Podurgiel
Roman Catholicism on Trial in Victorian England: The Libel Case of John Henry Newman and Dr. Achilli, Matthew C. Mirow
Rx For Population Deconcentration, Judith T. Younger
Sanctions and the Settlement of Disputes: Focus on the IAEA, Stephen Gorove
"Save Our Schools" - A Challenge Beyond the Courts, Neil A. Nowick
Scholastic Natural Law - Professor Goble's Dilemma, William J. Kenealy, S.J.
School Aid: Constitutional Issues After Aguilar v. Felton, Wendell Lewis Willkie II
School Aid: Constitutional Issues After Aguilar v. Felton, Charles H. Wilson
School Aid: Constitutional Issues After Aguilar v. Felton, Patricia A. Dean
Science and the Law, William J. McGill
Sealed Records in Adoptions: The Need for Legislative Reform, Patricia Gallagher Lupack
Second Thoughts on Thomas More Biography, Nelson H. Minnich
Secular Cases in the Church Courts: A Historical Survey, Robert E. Rodes, Jr.
Selective Service Regulations and the Ministry, Gerald F. Lamberti, Esq.
Select State and Legislative Developments, Gerald D. D'Avolio, Esq.
Select State and Legislative Developments, Howard J. Fetterhoff
Select State and Legislative Developments, Charles J. Tobin, Esq.
Seventh Circuit's Taxation of Members of Religious Orders - A Change of Habit, Francine M. Corcoran
Sex Education of Our Children, William J. Bennett
"Sharing the Wealth": What Minorities can do to Help Themselves, Honorable Frank Torres
Shh! State Legislators Bite Your Tongues: Semantics Dictates the Constitutionality of Public School "Moment of Silence" Statutes, Elizabeth Anne Walsh
Should Church Law Adopt Articles of Impeachment?, Terence E. Tierney
Show Me the Money: Legal and Prudential Considerations for Religious Organizations Participating in Fund Raising Ventures, Deirdre Dessingue Halloran
Sidewalk Counseling: A First Amendment Right, Thomas Patrick Monaghan
Silent Protest: A Catholic Justice Dissents in Buck v. Bell, Phillip Thompson
Smashing the Tragic Illusion of Justice: The Reprehensibility of the Death Penalty in Virginia, Meagan E. Costello
Solution of the "Defense of the Guilty", William F. Cahill, B.A., LL.B., J.C.D.
Solution of the Disclosure Problem, William F. Cahill, B.A., LL.B., J.C.D.
Solution of the Problem Cases, William F. Cahill, B.A., LL.B., J.C.D.
Some Brave Ideas on an Old Rule of Law: The Natural Law According To Jacques Maritain - Jacques Maritain on the Natural Law and Human Rights, Ralph J. Masiello
Some Problems Regarding Episcopal Faculties, Rev. Anthony J. Bevilacqua
Some Reflections on Labor and Employment Ramifications of Diocesan Bankruptcy Filings, David L. Gregory
Spirituality of Lawyering, Peter J. Riga
SSM Health Care: The Integration of Catholic Social Thought Values in a Modern Health Care System, Sister Melanie DiPietro, S.C. and Alison Sulentic
Stakeholder Unrest, Denominational Theology, and Economic Veracity: Why the Shareholder Value Maximization Norm Should Remain Unchanged, Andrew R. Roop
Stare Decisis and the Judicial Process, Edward D. Re
Stare Decisis Sed Concreta Intelligence - Precedent and Lonergan's Common Sense, William R. Moriarty
State Aid to Rhode Island's Private Schools: A Case Study of DiCenso v. Robinson, Patrick T. Conley and Fernando Cunha
Statements of National Conference of Catholic Bishops
State-Supported Display of Religious Symbols in the Public Space, Silvio Ferrari
Steeple Solidarity: Mainline Church Renewal and the Union Corporate Campaign, Michael M. Oswalt
Stewardship and Ownership of Material Goods: Discipline and Order in the Pre-Constantinian Church, Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington
St. John's University School of Law: A Profile, John J. Murphy
St. Thomas Aquinas, Jacques Maritain, and Law, David L. Gregory J.D., J.S.D., LL.M.
St. Thomas More Society Red Mass Homily, Fr. Dexter Brewer
St. Thomas on Deprogramming: Is it Justifiable?, Catherine Wong
Subsidiarity and Suffering: The View from New Orleans, Robert K. Vischer
Supreme Court Review: Church/State Jurisprudence, William Bentley Ball
Sustaining the Import of Labor Unions: A Common Good Approach, Rev. Patrick Flanagan
Symbols, Slogans, and Cymbals of Criminal Justice: Where's the Substance?, Honorable Joseph W. Bellacosa
Taking Liberalism and Religious Liberty Seriously: Shifting our Notion of Toleration from Locke to Mill, James R. Beattie, Jr.
Taxation of Advertising Income of Exempt Organizations' Publications, Robert M. Spevack
Tax Audits of Churches, Thomas A. Shaw
Tax Credit - Current Status and Prospects, James Robinson
Tax Exemption and Racial Discrimination, John A. Liekweg, Esq.
Tax Exemptions of Private Schools - The Impact of Internal Revenue Service Proposals on the Catholic School System, John S. Nolan, Miller and Chevalier, Washington, D.C.
Tax-Exempt Public Charities: Increasing Accountability and Compliance, Robert C. DeGaudenzi
Tax Impact on Charitable Organizations, Honorable Barber Conable
Tax-Supported Abortions: The Legal Issues, Eugene J. Schulte
Teaching Moral Values in Public Schools, David L. Gregory
Termination of Medical Treatment: Imminent Legislative Issues, Robert C. Robinson
Termination of Medical Treatment: Imminent Legislative Issues, Dennis J. Horan
Test Case Litigation as a Source of Significant Social Change, Richard A. Daynard
Thank God for Watergate, Mario M. Cuomo
The Americans With Disabilities Act, Section 504, And Church-Related Institutions, John A. Liekweg
The Bargaining Status of Religious Faculty at Church-Affiliated Universities, Ivy Margules
The Bawd and the Bard: Mercy Tempers Strict Statutory Application in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure, C.M.A. Mc Cauliff
The Bishop's Alter Ego: Enterprise Liability and the Catholic Priest Sex Abuse Scandal, Stephen M. Bainbridge and Aaron H. Cole
The Bishops and the Economy, Reverend Monsignor George P. Graham
The Bishops of Michigan Issue Statement on Due Process
The Blessing or the Curse: Whose Values Will Guide Us? Where Will They Lead Us?, Piero A. Tozzi
The Canonical Concept of Marital Consent: Roman Law Influences, Rev. Joseph N. Perry
The Canon Lawyer and the Local Church, Rev. Joseph N. Perry
The Catholic Health Care Facility: Its Identity, Ownership and Control, Eugene J. Schulte
The Catholic Just War Tradition and the War in Iraq: Just Pre-Emptive War, Just Humanitarian Intervention?, Daniel R. Strecker
The Catholic Law School After Vatican II - Book Review: Legal Education and Religious Perspective, By Reverend Raymond C. O'Brien, Anthony J. Scanlon
The Catholic Lawyer: Justice and Incarceration, John M. Breen
The Catholic's Role in the Legal Profession in Republican Government, Joseph C. Cascarelli
The Challenges of Opening a Dialogue Between Catholic and Secular Feminist Legal Theorists, Susan J. Stabile
The Changing Legal Landscape for Clergy, Arthur Gross Schaefer and Dan Van Bogaert
The Chase Utley Question: A Controversial Collision Between Tort Law and Professional Sports, Kaitlin Decker
The Church Acquires and Administers "Patrimony" Free Will Offerings in the Third Century, Monsignor Thomas J. Harrington, J.C.L.
The Church and Racism: Toward a More Fraternal Society, Pontifical Justice and Peace Commission
The Church Plan Under Recent Pension Litigation, Jack Myers, Williams, Myers & Quiggle Washington, D.C.
The Church, the Law, and the Advancing Armies of Death, Nat Hentoff
The Code of Canon Law and Civil Law, James E. Serritella
The Code of Canon Law Provisions on Labor Relations, Donald H. J. Hermann
The Common Good and Special Interests in the Legislative Process, Reverend Ladislas M. Orsy, S.J.
The Conscience of a King: Law, Religion, and War in Shakespeare's King Henry V, Robert J. Delahunty
The Conscience of the Law, Joseph E. Hogan
The Constitutionality of Federal Aid to Parents of Nonpublic Schoolchildren, Rev. Peter M. J. Stravinskas
The Constitutionality of Polygamy Prohibitions After Lawrence v. Texas: Is Scalia a Punchline or a Prophet?, Joseph Bozzuti
The Constitutional Principle of Equality and Sex-Based Differential Treatment in American Law, Allen Sultan
The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence: Natural Law in American History, Edward J. Melvin, C.M.
The Corporate Attorney-Client Privilege in the Federal Courts, Allen A. Hans
The Courts Christian in Medieval England, Peter D. Jason
The Decline of the American Republic: The Legal System as Prolegomenon, Peter J. Riga
The Demise of Public International Law, John Kuhn Bleimaier
The Dilemma of the Natural Law, George W. Gobel
The Doctrine of Comity in Private International Law, John Kuhn Bleimaier
The Duty to Decide, Alan W. Scheflin
The Enforcement of IRS Summonses and Section 7609, Madeline Tusa
The Environment: Everyman's Issue, Charles C. Johnson, Jr.
The Equal Rights Amendment: A Legal Assessment, Wilfred R. Caron
The ERA in Debate - What Can It Mean for Church Law?, Rev. Msgr. Anthony J. Bevilacqua
The Establishment Clause - The Expanding Definition of Excessive Entanglement: Gilfillan v. City of Philadelphia, Joseph J. Tesoriero
The Ethical Foundations of Judicial Decision-Making, Philip J. Grib, S.J.
The Expansion of Charitable Choice, the Faith Based Initiative, and the Supreme Court's Establishment Clause Jurisprudence, Steven Fitzgerald
The Family Living Including Sex Education Curriculum, Robert F. Wagner, Jr.
The Felony-Murder Rule: In Search of A Viable Doctrine, Jeanne Hall Seibold
The Four Dimensions of Natural Law in Suarez: Objectivity - Knowledge - Essence - and Obligation, Edward J. Capestany
The Free Exercise Clause: Fealty to God or Caesar?, John O. Hayward
The Functions of Law in International Society, Miriam Theresa Rooney
The Future of Labor Plenary Panel Discussion, Jack Ahern, His Eminence Edward Cardinal Egan, Samuel Estreicher, Richard Michael Fischl, Lawrence Joseph, Cynthia Nance, Gene Orza, Bernie Ricke, Judith A. Scott, and Theodore J. St. Antoine
The Horizons of Antitrust, Richard M. Steuer
The House of Lords and the Discontinuation of Artificial Nutrition and Hydration: An Ethical Analysis of the Tony Bland Case, Moira M. McQueen and James L. Walsh
The Humanity of the Unborn Child, Eugene F. Diamond, M.D.
The Human Life Federalism Amendment - An Assessment, Wilfred R. Caron
The Impersonal Decision Maker: Courts of Equity and the Right-To-Die Cases, Peter J. Riga
The Importance of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools, James D. Gordon III
The Importance of the Legal Aid Society to the Legal Profession, Robert P. Patterson, Jr.
The Incidence of Mental Disorder, Msgr. Marion J. Reinhardt
The Intelligible Principle: How It Briefly Lived, Why It Died, and Why It Desperately Needs Revival in Today's Administrative State, Meaghan Dunigan
The International Narcotics Control System: A Proposal, M. C. Bassiouni
The Jim Crow Effect: Denial, Dignity, Human Rights, and Racialized Mass Incarceration, Professor Cecil J. Hunt, II
The Jurisprudence of Conscription: Social Contract, Moral Obligation, and Proposals, James M. Thunder
The Jurisprudence of Radical Change: Herbert Marcuse's "Great Refusal" vs. Political Due Process, William A. Stanmeyer
The Jury as a Political Institution, Jon M. Van Dyke
The Law of Alimony, Christopher L. Blakesley
The Law of Collegiality: Revisiting Niagara University v. NLRB, Rev. Carl L. Pieber
The Law of the Child - In a Changing World, Leonor Ines Luciano
The Legal Activities of the Catholic League, Robert A. Destro, General Counsel, Catholic League for Civil Rights, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The Long-Arm's Inappropriate Embrace, Lynda Wray Black
The "Margin of Appreciation" and Freedom of Religion: Between Treaty Interpretation and Subsidiarity, Monica Lugato
The Medieval Revival of Roman Law: Implications for Contemporary Legal Education, Henry Mather
The Modern Blood Feud: Thoughts on the Philosophy of Terrorism, Christopher L. Blakesley
The Moral Dilemma of St. Thomas More, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Theodore E. McCarrick
The Mystery of the Crumbling "Church Plan" Exception, Paulette Furness
The Mystery of the Crumbling "Church Plan" Exception, Deirdre Halloran
The Mystery of the Crumbling "Church Plan" Exception, William P. Hurley
The National Committee for a Human Life Amendment, Inc.: Its Goals and Origins, Robert N. Lynch
The National Diocesan Attorneys Association: The Business of the DAA, and Our Last Ten Years, Mark E. Chopko
The National Labor Relations Board and Nonprofit Charitable, Educational, and Religious Institutions, James A. Serritella
The New International Economic Order and Christian Charity, Lilia R. Bautista
The New International Economic Order: Christian Principles Between Developed and Developing Countries, Carolyn J. Slasinski
The New Law of Marriage, Luigi DeLuca
The New York Marriage Equality Act and the Strength of Its Religious Exceptions, Andrew R. Hamilton
The Official Catholic Directory: Civil and Canon Law Requirements, J. Michael Fitzgerald
The Partnership of Bench and Bar, Edward D. Re
The Pastor on the Witness Stand: Toward a Religious Privilege in the Courts, Michael Clay Smith
The Politics of Jurisprudence: Liberty and Equality in Rawls and Dworkin, Stephen C. Hicks
The Privatization of Religion and Catholic Justices, Richard S. Myers
The Problem of Unjust Laws, Charles E. Rice
The Process of Responsible Decision: Observations on the Jurisprudence of Professor Jones, Edward N. Peters
The Quality of Life: From Roe to Quinlan and Beyond, Joseph Cincotta
The Realization of Ideals in Law, Mario M. Cuomo
There Are No Strangers Among Us: Catholic Social Teachings And U.S. Immigration Law, Terry Coonan
The Re-Assignment or Non-Assignment of a Cleric Who Has Been Professionally Evaluated & Treated for Sexual Misconduct With Minors: Canonical Considerations, Rev. Bertram F. Griffin
The Refugees: A Global Movement in Humanism, Sylvia P. Montes
The Regulation of Indecent Material Accessible to Children on the Internet, Joel Sanders
There Is More to Come: The Analytical Dynamics of Human Rights and Social Need, Stewart B. Whitney
The Relation between Justice and Love in the Natural Order, Rev. John A. Perricone
The Relation Between Natural Law and Human Law in Thomas Aquinas, Raymond Bradley
The Religion Clauses of the First Amendment: Where is the Supreme Court Heading?, Michael W. McConnell
The Right of Ecclesiastical Burial, Reverend Joseph N. Perry
The Right of the Faithful to the Sacraments, Rev. Terence E. Tierney
The Rights of the Child - What Can an International Body of Catholic Jurists Do?, Christine Godsil Cooper
The Right to Abortion: Expansion of the Right to Privacy Through the Fourteenth Amendment, David Goldenberg
The Right to Self-Directed Death: Reconsidering an Ancient Proscription, G. Steven Neeley
The Role of Government Contracts in Furthering National Economic and Socioeconomic Policies, Thomas W. Reilly
The Role of the Courts and the Bar in Implementing Social Change, Hubert H. Humphrey
The Selection, Training, and Removal of Diocesan Clergy, Most Rev. Adam J. Maida
The Significance of Natural Law in Contemporary Legal Thought, Charles E. Marske, Charles P. Kofron, and Steven Vago
The Spirituality of Communion: A Resource for Dialogue with Catholics in Public Life, Amelia J. Uelmen
The SS Collar, A.H. Ormerod
The Supreme Administrative Tribunal, His Eminence, Dino Cardinal Staffa
The Supreme Court And Religious Liberty, Douglas Laycock
The Supreme Court and the Religion Clauses: 1982 and 1984 Terms, Donald H. J. Herman, Esquire
The Supreme Court: An Intentionist's Critique of Non-Interpretive Review, William Gangi
The Supreme Court on Abortion - A Dissenting Opinion, Patrick T. Conley and Robert J. McKenna
The Supreme Court, The Adversary System and Some Moral Dilemmas, Peter J. Riga
The Synergism of Law and Religion, Joseph W. Bellacosa
The Teaching Authority of the Church and American Society: A Voice in the Wilderness, Robert J. Araujo, S.J.
The Teleology of Law: Responsible Citizenship and Discpleship, Robert J. Araujo, S.J.
The Textbook Case, Patrick S. Duffy
"The Theology of Work and the Dignity of Workers" Conference Keynote Address, Richard L. Trumka
The Time of Death - A Legal, Ethical and Medical Dilemma, John E. Pearson
The Trial and Appeal of Constitutional Issues, Alfred L. Scanlan
The Two Laws in Thomas More: A Preliminary Reading of the Canon and Common Laws in His Career and Writings, R.J. Schoeck
The Unconstitutionality of Exclusive Governmental Support of Entirely Secularistic Education, Daniel D. McGarry
The Unified Bar: Will a Closed Shop Serve the Lawyer and the Public, Harold Brown
The Universal Destination of Pharmaceutical Patents: Reflecting on TRIPS through the Lens of Aquinas, Sam Castree, III
The U.S. Catholic Bishops and Gay Civil Rights: Four Case Studies, Robert Nugent
The Use of Philosophical Principles in Catholic Social Thought: The Case of Gaudium et Spes, Rev. Joseph W. Koterski, S.J.
The View From Main Street, Stanley M. Morris
The War on Poverty: Lawyers and Logistics, James M. Rose
The Work of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit: An Unseen Influence, The Honorable Howard T. Markey
Thomas More, A Man For Our Time, William Kinsella
Thomas More and the Inns of Court, Brian Butler
Thomas More's Prayer Book, John B. Gest
Too Much Information!: The Need for Stronger Privacy Protection for the Online Activities of Employees and Applicants, Ralph Carter
Toward a Theory of Judicial Decisionmaking: A Synthesis of Ideologist Jurisprudence and Doctrinalism, Raymond A. Belliotti
Toward a Theory of the Political Defense, Isidore Silver
Toward Freedom From Value, Richard Stith
Toward Improving Policing in African American Communities, Melvin L. Otey
Toward the Elimination of De Facto Segregation in Public Schools, Glenn Backer
Tracing the Moral Contours of the Evolving Standards of Decency: The Supreme Court's Capital Jurisprudence Post-Roper, Dr. Saby Ghoshray
Treatment for Misbehaving Minors, Barbara P. Gertel
Trends in Church/State Legislation, John F. Market
Triptych: Sectarian Disputes, International Law, and Transnational Tribunals in Drinan's Can God and Caesar Coexist?, Christopher J. Borgen
Truth is Truth, His Eminence, John Cardinal O'Connor
Trying to Vote in Good Conscience, Elizabeth F. Brown
UBIT Update, Deirdre Dessingue Halloran
Uncaring Justice: Why Jacque v. Steenberg Homes Was Wrongly Decided, John Makdisi
Undocumented Immigrants in the United States: A Discussion of Catholic Social Thought and "Mormon Social Thought" Principles, Rebecca van Uitert
Undue Influence & Gifts to Religious Organizations, John B. Jarboe
Unemployment Compensation, Gerald C. Tobin
Unemployment Compensation, Ted During
Unemployment Compensation, Rev. Austin P. Bennett
Unequal Justice for the Poor: Theory, Research, and Commentary, Mitchell S. G. Klein and Walter J. Burkard
Union Organizations in Catholic Hospitals, Eugene J. Schulte
United States - Vatican Recognition: Background and Issues, Samuel W. Bettwy
Unpacking the Deterrent Effect of the International Criminal Court: Lessons From Kenya, Yvonne M. Dutton and Tessa Alleblas
Unprecedented Infringement: Debunking the Constitutionality of DNA Collection from Mere Arrestees in Light of Maryland v. King, Christen Giannaros
Unrelated Business Survey in the Diocese of Providence, Paul B. McMahon
Update on Tax Developments: Exempt Organizations, Milton Cerny, Esquire
Update on Unemployment Compensation, Thomas A. Rayer, Denechaud & Denechaud, New Orleans, Louisiana
U.S. and Anglo-Australian Decisions on a Husband's Right to Prevent Abortion, J. Kodowo Bentil
Values, Questions, and Methods in Intellectual Property, Jeremy N. Sheff
Vatican II: The Impact on American Society - The Pas de Deux Between Rights and Responsibilities, Robert J. Araujo, S.J.
Viability, Values, and the Vast Cosmos, Dennis J. Horan
Violence in Schools, Sr. Mary Angela Shaughnessy
Virtues And The Lawyer, James W. Perkins
Volume 16, Autumn 1970, Number 4
Volume 16, Spring 1970, Number 2
Volume 16, Summer 1970, Number 3
Volume 16, Winter 1970, Number 1
Volume 17, Autumn 1971, Number 4
Volume 17, Spring 1971, Number 2
Volume 17, Summer 1971, Number 3
Volume 17, Winter 1971, Number 1
Volume 18, Autumn 1972, Number 4
Volume 18, Spring 1972, Number 2
Volume 18, Summer 1972, Number 3
Volume 18, Winter 1972, Number 1
Volume 19, Autumn 1973, Number 4
Volume 19, Spring 1973, Number 2
Volume 19, Summer 1973, Number 3
Volume 19, Winter 1973, Number 1
Volume 20, Spring 1974, Number 2
Volume 20, Summer 1974, Number 3
Volume 20, Winter 1974, Number 1
Volume 21, Autumn 1975, Number 4
Volume 21, Spring 1975, Number 2
Volume 21, Summer 1975, Number 3
Volume 21, Winter 1975, Number 1
Volume 22, Autumn 1976, Number 4
Volume 22, Spring 1976, Number 2
Volume 22, Summer 1976, Number 3
Volume 22, Winter 1976, Number 1
Volume 23, Autumn 1978, Number 4
Volume 23, Spring 1978, Number 2
Volume 23, Summer 1978, Number 3
Volume 23, Winter 1977, Number 1
Volume 24, Autumn 1979, Number 4
Volume 24, Spring 1979, Number 2
Volume 24, Summer 1979, Number 3
Volume 24, Winter 1978, Number 1
Volume 25, Autumn 1980, Number 4
Volume 25, Spring 1980, Number 2
Volume 25, Summer 1980, Number 3
Volume 25, Winter 1979, Number 1
Volume 26, Autumn 1981, Number 4
Volume 26, Spring 1981, Number 2
Volume 26, Summer 1981, Number 3
Volume 26, Winter 1980, Number 1
Volume 27, Autumn 1982, Number 4
Volume 27, Spring 1982, Number 2
Volume 27, Summer 1982, Number 3
Volume 27, Winter 1981, Number 1
Volume 28, Autumn 1983, Number 4
Volume 28, Spring 1983, Number 2
Volume 28, Spring 2016, Issue 3
Volume 28, Summer 1983, Number 3
Volume 28, Summer 2016, Issue 4
Volume 28, Winter 1983, Number 1
Volume 29, Autumn 1985, Number 4
Volume 29, Spring 1984, Number 2
Volume 29, Summer 1984, Number 3
Volume 29, Winter 1984, Number 1
Volume 30, Autumn 1986, Number 3
Volume 30, Spring 1986, Number 2
Volume 30, Winter 1985, Number 1
Volume 39, Summer-Fall 1999, Number 2-3
Volume 39, Winter 1999, Number 1
Volume 39, Winter 2000, Number 4
Volume 40, Fall 2000, Number 2
Volume 40, Spring 2001, Number 3
Volume 40, Spring 2001, Number 4
Volume 40, Summer 2000, Number 1
Volume 41, Fall 2001, Number 2
Volume 41, Spring 2002, Number 4
Volume 41, Summer 2001, Number 1
Volume 41, Winter 2001, Number 3
Volume 42, Fall 2002, Number 2
Volume 42, Summer 2002, Number 1
Volume 43, Fall 2004, Number 2
Volume 43, Spring 2004, Number 1
Volume 90, Fall 2016, Number 3
Volume 90, Winter 2016, Number 4
Vow of Poverty, John Myers
Vow of Poverty Rulings and Update on Unrelated Business, Charles M. Whelan
Wade & Bolton: Fundamental Legal Errors and Dangerous Implications, Robert M. Byrn
Wade & Bolton: Legal and Ethical Problems Present in Catholic Health Facilities, Sister Virginia Schwager, S.P.
Wade & Bolton: Medical Critique, Andre Hellegers, M.D.
Wade & Bolton: USCC Responses and Plans, Robert V. Monticello
Welcoming Remarks, The Most Rev. Philip M. Hannan, Archbishop of New Orleans
Welcoming Remarks, Monsignor Thomas Leonard, Associate General Secretary, United States Catholic Conference
Welcoming Remarks, George E. Reed, Consultant, Office of the General Counsel, United States Catholic Conference
Welcoming Remarks, Wilfred R. Caron, General Counsel, United States Catholic Conference
Welfare on Fire: The Earned Income Tax Credit Is Not Enough To Extinguish Poverty, Conor Colasurdo
West, Macintyre, and Wojtyla: Pope John Paul II's Contribution to the Development of a Dependency-Based Theory of Justice, Elizabeth R. Schiltz
What Churches Can Expect from "Gay Rights" Laws: A Preview of Iowa's Sexual Orientation Bill, Lincoln C. Oliphant
What Constitutes a Religious Use for Zoning Purposes, Robert S. Walker
What Happened to the Church in Richmond, Nicholas A. Spinella
What is IP For? Experiments in Lay and Expert Perceptions, Gregory N. Mandel
What is Written in the Law? How Do You Read It? Homily at the Red Mass, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania October 8, 1996, Monsignor William Smith
What Value: Law, Rev. Terence E. Tierney
When Conscience Clashes with State Law & Policy: Catholic Institutions, Susan J. Stabile
When Conscience Clashes with State Law & Policy: Catholic Institutions: A Response to Susan Stabile, Piero A. Tozzi
When is a Criminal Trial Not a Criminal Trial? - The Case Against Jury Trials in Juvenile Court, Ronald G. Russo
When the Ends Do Not Justify the Means: The Application of Statistical Sampling to Determine Liability in False Claims Act Cases, Christina Vlahos
When Will the Law Catch Up With Technology? Jaycee B. v. Superior Court of Orange County: An Urgent Cry for Legislation on Gestational Surrogacy, Laura A. Brill
Whither Free Exercise: Employment Division v. Smith and the Rebirth of State Constitutional Free Exercise Clause Jurisprudence, Piero A. Tozzi
Whom Should a Catholic Law School Honor? If Confusion is the Concern, Context Matters, Robert K. Vischer
Whom Should a Catholic University Honor?: "Speaking" with Integrity, Richard W. Garnett
Whose Natural Law?, William J. Kenealy, S.J.
Why Informed Consent? Human Experimentation and the Ethics of Autonomy, Richard W. Garnett
Why Is It Good to Stop at a Red Light: The Basis of Authority and Obligation, Brian McCall
Why the Bottom Line is Not the Bottom Line: John Paul II's Concept of Business, John F. Coverdale
Work, the Social Question, Progress and the Common Good?, Harry G. Hutchison
Wrongful Life Tort and John Paul II, Graham J. McAleer
Yeshiva Update: Administration 8, Union 0, Michael A. Foley
'You Are Not Your Own' a Teaching From St. Paul Has Everything to Do with Roe v. Wade, John Cardinal O'Connor
You Have Made A Covenant With God And With The People of New York, John Cardinal O'Connor
Your Bodies, Ourselves: Legal Protection of Potential Human Life, Jeffery A. Parness
Zoning and the Location of Religious Establishments, Kenneth Pearlman
Zoning for the Elderly and Family Rights, Ralph J. Libsohn
Zoning Ordinances and Religious Men and Women, Bernadette Kenny, RSHM