"Human-Animal Chimeras: An Omen for Disaster or an Answer to Our Prayer" by Catherine A. Zimmermann



Part I of this Note discusses the purpose of chimera research, various ethical arguments, and the current perception of chimera research in the United States to address aspects of the proposed legislation. Chimeras are unique in that they have both human and animal cells. Taking this into account, I also discuss the current regulatory structure and legal protections which provide a framework for the regulation of chimera research. I explain and analyze the law regarding the NIH moratorium and explore factors that have led the United States to consider lifting the moratorium while examining different legal perspectives which explain the current chimera law in Japan and the ISSCR’s Guidelines.

In Part II, I discuss my proposed legislation, the CHHA, which suggests that the funding moratorium be lifted with certain limitations. I discuss the intricacies of different types of chimera research that would not be funded and explore the experimental approval process and how experiments will be monitored. Lastly, I address and rebut potential counterarguments to the CHHA.



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