"A Bankruptcy Court May Temporarily Suspend Rent Obligation" by Matthew Kipnis


Matthew Kipnis

Document Type

Research Memorandum

Publication Date




Section 365(d)(3) of title 11 of the United States Code (the “Bankruptcy Code”) authorizes a court to “extend, for cause, the time for performance of any [rent] obligation[‘s] [on unexpired leases of nonresidential real property] that arise[] within 60 days after the date of the order for relief[.]” Historically, courts have recognized that under § 365(d)(3), there is a statutory obligation on debtors to pay rent on unexpired leases. Courts have also recognized that if a debtor’s rent obligation is deferred, lessors are entitled to adequate protection. However, courts are divided on the exact timing of when a debtor’s statutory obligation to pay rent arises, what circumstances permit courts to defer a debtor’s rent obligation, and the subsequent treatment of lessors’ claims. Consequently, the Covid-19 pandemic has created challenges that have further complicated the already unclear applicability of § 365(d)(3).

This memorandum analyzes a court’s ability to defer a debtor’s statutory rent obligations on unexpired leases. Part I discusses the majority and minority positions regarding § 365(d)(3) rent deferral issues that were prevalent in jurisprudence prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. Part II addresses how the Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, one of the first courts to address the issue of rent deferral during a pandemic, approached these unparalleled circumstances. Part III analyzes how courts have since dealt with these issues throughout the pandemic.



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