"Introduction of Chief Justice Roberts, at the Robert H. Jackson Center" by John Q. Barrett

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St. John's University School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper Series

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A backdrop to this event is an ongoing, if entirely friendly, War Between the States … or at least between two States.

As a boy, Robert H. Jackson and family moved from the state of his birth to a second state, where he completed grade school and high school and then embarked on life. Our honored guest, John G. Roberts, Jr., did the same thing in his boyhood. In Jackson’s case, following his birth and early boyhood on the family farm in Spring Creek Township, Warren County, Pennsylvania, the move was to Frewsburg, New York, and then to Jamestown—Pennsylvania to New York. In John Roberts’s case, following his birth and early boyhood in greater Buffalo, New York, the family move was to Indiana—New York to Indiana.

I do not know the “state” of the New York versus Indiana rivalry to claim John Roberts. It might exist already. I am sure that in time, in history, it will.

I do know that Pennsylvanians are a bit unhappy about New York State’s proud claiming of Pennsylvania’s Robert H. Jackson, including, since last year, in the heart of Buffalo, the majestic new Robert H. Jackson United States Courthouse. Indeed, a federal Judge from Pittsburgh suggested to me that you, Mr. Chief Justice, as the son of a father who was a “Pitt” alumnus, a Johnstowner and a steeler (as in a steel industry man), should be, by heredity, on Pennsylvania’s side of the battle to claim Robert Jackson.


Paper Number 13-0008

Availabe at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2268637

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