Volume 25, Autumn 1980, Number 4
Editorial Board
Editorial Comment
Editorial Comment
Edward T. Fagan
Diocesan Attorneys' Papers
Welcoming Remarks
The Most Rev. Philip M. Hannan, Archbishop of New Orleans
Church-State Incursions
Patrick F. Geary, Assistant General Counsel, United States Catholic Conference
Update on Unemployment Compensation
Thomas A. Rayer, Denechaud & Denechaud, New Orleans, Louisiana
Tax Exemptions of Private Schools - The Impact of Internal Revenue Service Proposals on the Catholic School System
John S. Nolan, Miller and Chevalier, Washington, D.C.
Revenue Ruling 78-248: The Congress and the Constitution be Damned
Alfred L. Scanlan, Shea & Gardner, Washington, D.C.
Revenue Ruling 78-248
Thomas A. Horkan, Executive Director, Florida Catholic Conference
Political Developments in the Abortion Area
James L. Robinson, Director, Office of Government Liaison, United States Catholic Conference
Energy Conservation Grants Under the National Energy Conservation Policy Act of 1978
Gerald C. Tobin, Reuben & Proctor, Chicago, Illinois
National Labor Relations Board v. Catholic Bishop of Chicago
James E. Serritella, Reuben & Proctor, Chicago, Illinois
Critical Developments in the Vow of Poverty Area and Update on Unrelated Business
Charles M. Whelan, S.J., Professor of Law, Fordham Law School; Office of General Counsel, United States Catholic Conference