Publications from 2017
Presidential Human Rights Talk, Margaret E. McGuiness
Bridging the Reading Gap in the Law School Classroom, Patricia G. Montana
Blasphemy in Denmark, Mark L. Movsesian
Evangelicals and Orthodox Together, Mark L. Movsesian
Is It Really Commercial Activity that Civilizes?, Mark L. Movsesian
Passion for Equality, Mark L. Movsesian
The Clash of Traditions, Mark L. Movsesian
Tradition and Going Topless, Mark L. Movsesian
When the Enlightenment and Evangelical Christianity Got Together, Mark L. Movsesian
Report and Recommendations Concerning Environmental Aspects of the New York State Constitution, New York State Bar Association Environmental and Energy Law Section and Mary L. Lyndon
A New Balance of Evils: Prosecutorial Misconduct, Iqbal, and the End of Absolute Immunity, Mark C. Niles
A Victory for Racially Inclusive Juries in Washington, Anna Roberts
Dismissals as Justice, Anna Roberts
Prior Conviction Impeachment: Is Reform Finally Afoot?, Anna Roberts
Will the Most Controversial Rule of Evidence be Reformed?, Anna Roberts
Linguistic battle sparks revolt against globalisation, Rosemary C. Salomone
More Than Words, Rachel H. Smith
Are Validation Notices Valid? An Empirical Evaluation of Consumer Understanding of Debt Collection Validation Notices, Jeff Sovern and Kate E. Walton
Artistic Control After Death, Eva Subotnik
Effective Compliance with Antidiscrimination Law: Corporate Personhood, Purpose and Social Responsibility, Cheryl L. Wade
Giving and Creating: The Legacy of Keith J. Shapiro, G. Ray Warner
Publications from 2016
The True Cost of the Georgia Bar Exam Error, Renee Nicole Allen
Herbert Hoover and the Constitution, John Q. Barrett
Compassion Fatigue: Caveat Caregiver?, Jennifer Baum
The Two Laws of Sex Stereotyping, Noa Ben-Asher
Employing Trafficking Laws to Capture Elusive Leaders of Destructive Cults, Robin Boyle Laisure
General Jurisdiction 2.0: The Updating and Uprooting of the Corporate Presence Doctrine, Edward D. Cavanagh
The Jury Trial in Antitrust Cases: An Anachronism?, Edward D. Cavanagh
People Analytics and Invisible Labor, Miriam A. Cherry
Classical Liberalism: Teaching Its Own Undoing, Marc O. DeGirolami
Free Exercise by Moonlight, Marc O. DeGirolami
On Expressivism and Retributivism in 'The Mighty and the Almighty', Marc O. DeGirolami
Substantial Burdens Imply Central Beliefs, Marc O. DeGirolami
The Optimist: For Scalia, Textualism Was a Matter of Trust, Marc O. DeGirolami
The Unforgettable Fire: Tradition and the Shape of the Law, Marc O. DeGirolami
Virtue, Freedom, and the First Amendment, Marc O. DeGirolami
What Is a “Substantial Burden” on Religious Exercise—or Is It Best Not to Ask?, Marc O. DeGirolami
Corporate Wrongdoing: Interactions of Legal Mandates and Corporate Culture, Vincent DiLorenzo
Lawyers’ Obligations When Representing Clients With Diminished Capacity, Elissa Germaine
A 360 Degree View of Roles and Responsibilities Concerning Diminished Capacity: Financial Advisers’ Obligations to Clients, Lawyers Representing Clients, and Lawyers Preparing Their Practices, Elissa Germaine, Nicole G. Iannarone, and Teresa Verges
...because it’s not just about money, Elayne E. Greenberg
The Power of Empathy, Elayne E. Greenberg
Values, Questions, and Methods in Intellectual Property, Jeremy N. Sheff
Facebook Under Pressure, Kate Klonick
Here's what it would take for Twitter to get serious about its harassment problem, Kate Klonick
Re-Shaming the Debate: Social Norms, Shame, and Regulation in an Internet Age, Kate Klonick
You’ll Never Guess This One Crazy Thing Governs Online Speech, Kate Klonick
Dueling Canons, Anita S. Krishnakumar
The Sherlock Holmes Canon, Anita S. Krishnakumar
Expanding the Schoolhouse Gate: Public Schools (K-12) and the Regulation of Cyberbullying, Philip Lee
How We Prosecute the Police, Kate Levine
Police Suspects, Kate Levine
Who Shouldn't Prosecute the Police, Kate Levine
A Contemporary Model for Using Teaching Assistants in Legal Writing Programs, Patricia G. Montana
Christian but Not Religious, Mark L. Movsesian
Crèche Clash, Mark L. Movsesian
No Protestants on the Bench, Mark L. Movsesian
Of Human Dignities, Mark L. Movsesian
Religious Rights, Mark L. Movsesian
The End of the Liberal Tradition?, Mark L. Movsesian
The Smartphone and the Virgin, Mark L. Movsesian
Tradition's Future, Mark L. Movsesian
Conviction by Prior Impeachment, Anna Roberts
Foster v. Chatman: An Egregious Batson Violation (and a SCOTUS Reversal), Anna Roberts
Embracing Mother Cabrini's Vision: Pursuing Immigrant Justice in the Classroom and Beyond, Abel Rodríguez
American Legal Education, Skills Training, and Transnational Legal Practice: Combining Dao and Shu for the Global Practitioner, Michael A. Simons and Margaret E. McGuinness
The Author Was Not an Author: The Copyright Interests of Photographic Subjects from Wilde to Garcia, Eva Subotnik
Challenging Boardroom Homogeneity, Cheryl L. Wade
Publications from 2015
No College, No Prior Clerkship: How Jim Marsh Became Justice Jackson’s Law Clerk, John Q. Barrett
Social Media: Children’s Lawyer’s Friend and Foe, Jennifer Baum and Sarah N. Fox
Law, Rhetoric, Strategy: Russia and Self-Determination Before and After Crimea, Christopher J. Borgen
Federal Civil Litigation at the Crossroads: Reshaping the Role of the Federal Courts in Twenty-First Century Dispute Resolution, Edward D. Cavanagh
The Law and Economics of Catalyzing Fans, Miriam A. Cherry
Using Principles from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Reduce Nervousness in Oral Argument or Moot Court, Larry Cunningham
Constitutional Contraction: Religion and the Roberts Court, Marc O. DeGirolami
The Empty Bromide of Religious Neutrality, Marc O. DeGirolami
It's Alive!: How Early Common Law Changes in the Right Against Self-Incrimination Inform the Right's Continuing Relevance, Sheldon Evans
Taking Back the Streets? How Street Art Ordinances Constitute Government Takings, Sheldon Evans
Sub-Adviser Fee Litigation: Will Section 36(b) Acquire Teeth?; Outside Counsel, Francis J. Facciolo and Leland S. Solon
The Smith Case: Is the Glass Half Full?, Elayne E. Greenberg
When “Yes” May Actually Mean “No”: Rethinking Informed Consent to ADR Processes, Elayne E. Greenberg
Fitting the Forum to the Pernicious Fuss: A Dispute System Design to Address Implicit Bias and 'Isms in the Workplace, Elayne E. Greenberg
The Death Penalty on the Streets: What the Eighth Amendment Can Teach About Regulating Police Use of Force, Jelani Jefferson Exum
A New Taxonomy for Online Harms, Kate Klonick
The science of blame, Kate Klonick
Longstanding Agency Interpretations, Anita S. Krishnakumar
Suitability Obligations Applicable to Securities and Annuities, Christine Lazaro and Benjamin P. Edwards
A Contract Theory of Academic Freedom, Philip Lee
Identity Property: Protecting the New IP in a Race-Relevant World, Philip Lee
Intercultural Effectivenss, Mary A. Lynch, Robin Boyle, Rhonda Magee, and Antoinette Sedillo López
Losing Faiths, Mark L. Movsesian
We Remember the Genocide — And We Must Avert Another, Mark L. Movsesian
Major Investor Losses Due to Conflicted Advice: Brokerage Industry Advertising Creates the Illusion of a Fiduciary Duty, Joseph C. Peiffer and Christine Lazaro
A Scandalous Perversion of Trust: Modern Lessons from the Early History of Congressional Insider Trading, Michael A. Perino
Is the Price Right? An Empirical Study of Fee-Setting in Securities Class Actions, Michael A. Perino, Lynn A. Baker, and Charles Silver
Asymmetry as Fairness: Reversing a Peremptory Trend, Anna Roberts
Juries, Implicit Bias, and the Silencing of Criminal Defendants, Anna Roberts
Should the Supreme Court Abolish Peremptory Strikes?, Anna Roberts
Why English is not enough, Rosemary C. Salomone