Publications from 2009
Law Students Are Different from the General Population: Empirical Findings Regarding Learning Styles, Robin Boyle, Jeffery Minneti, and Andrea Honigsfeld
Detrebling Antitrust Damages in Monopolization Cases, Edward D. Cavanagh
Working for (Virtually) Minimum Wage: Applying the Fair Labor Standards Act in Cyberspace, Miriam A. Cherry
Clawbacks: Prospective Contract Measures in an Era of Excessive Executive Compensation and Ponzi Schemes, Miriam A. Cherry and Jarrod Wong
Culpability in Creating the Choice of Evils, Marc O. DeGirolami
A New Look at Judicial Impact: Attorney's Fees in Securities Class Actions after Goldberger v. Integrated Resources, Inc., Theodore Eisenberg, Geoffrey Miller, and Michael A. Perino
Truth and Consequences: What Should a Mediator Ethically Disclose About Her Mediation Style? How Might a Mediator’s Style Compromise a Mediator’s Neutrality?, Elayne E. Greenberg
We Can Work It Out: Entertaining a Dispute Resolution System Design for Bankruptcy Court, Elayne E. Greenberg
Representation Reinforcement: A Legislative Solution to a Legislative Process Problem, Anita S. Krishnakumar
The Hidden Legacy of Holy Trinity Church: The Unique National Institution Canon, Anita S. Krishnakumar
Old W(h)ine, Old Bottles: A Reply to Professor Paulsen, Margaret E. McGuiness
The President, Congress and the Security Council: Counterterrorism and the Use of Force Through the Internationalist Lens, Margaret E. McGuiness
Lessons from the Carnegie and Best Practices Reports: A Look at St. John's University School of Law's Street Law Program as a Model for Teaching Professional Skills, Patricia Grande Montana
The Case for Limiting the Use of Technology to Teach, Patricia Grande Montana
Defining Race: The Obama Phenomenon and the Voting Rights Act, Janai S. Nelson
Publications from 2008
Supreme Court Clerks' Recollections of October Term 1951, Including the Steel Seizure Cases, John Q. Barrett, Charles C. Hileman, Abner J. Mikva, James C.N. Paul, Neal P. Rutledge, Marshall L. Small, William H. Rehnquist, Gregory L. Peterson, and Ken Gormley
A Tale of Two Networks: Terrorism, Transnational Law, and Network Theory, Christopher J. Borgen
The Blind Leading the Blind: What if They’re Not all Visual or Tactile Learners?, Robin A. Boyle and James B. Levy
Twombly, The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Courts, Edward D. Cavanagh
Vertical Price Restraints after Leegin, Edward D. Cavanagh
Exploring (Social) Class in the Classroom: The Case of Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon, Miriam A. Cherry
Working (with) Workers: Implementing Theory, Miriam A. Cherry
Prediction Markets and the First Amendment, Miriam A. Cherry and Robert L. Rogers
The Culture Differential in Parental Autonomy, Elaine M. Chiu
Faith in the Rule of Law, Marc O. DeGirolami
The Problem of Religious Learning, Marc O. DeGirolami
Unauthorized Payment Transactions and Who Should Bear the Losses, Francis J. Facciolo
Supreme Court Law Clerks' Recollections of October Term 1951, Including the Steel Seizure Cases, Charles C. Hileman, Abner J. Mikva, James C.N. Paul, Neal P. Rutledge, Marshall L. Small, William H. Rehnquist, Gregory L. Peterson, John Q. Barrett, and Ken Gormley
The More Things Change: A Psychological Case Against Allowing the Federal Sentencing Guidelines to Stay the Same in Light of Gall, Kimbrough, and New Understandings of Reasonableness Review, Jelani Jefferson Exum
In Whose "Best Interests"? – An International and Comparative Assessment of US Rules on Sentencing of Juveniles, Jelani Jefferson Exum and John W. Head
Federalism and Horizontality in International Human Rights, Margaret E. McGuiness
Medellin v. Texas: Supreme Court Holds ICJ Decisions under the Consular Convention Not Binding Federal Law, Rejects Presidential Enforcement of ICJ Judgments over State Proceedings, Margaret E. McGuiness
Return to Missouri v. Holland: Symposium Foreword, Margaret E. McGuiness
Three Narratives of Medellín v. Texas, Margaret E. McGuiness
Better Revision: Encouraging Student Writers to See through the Eyes of the Reader, Patricia Grande Montana
Persuasion in a Familiar Activity: The Parallels Between Resume Writing and Brief Writing, Patricia Grande Montana
International Commercial Arbitration and International Courts, Mark L. Movsesian
The Case for "Thinking Like a Filmaker": Using Lars von Trier's Dogville as a Model for Writing a Statement of Facts, Elyse Pepper
The Content of Consumer Law Classes, Jeff Sovern
The After-Shocks of Twombly: Will We "Notice" Pleading Changes?, Ettie Ward
Publications from 2007
The "Federalism Five" As Supreme Court Nominees, 1971-1991, John Q. Barrett
The Nuremberg Roles of Justice Robert H. Jackson, John Q. Barrett
Imagining Sovereignty, Managing Secession: The Legal Geography of Eurasia's "Frozen Conflicts", Christopher J. Borgen
Whose Public, Whose Order? Imperium, Region, and Normative Friction, Christopher J. Borgen
Suggestions on How to Conduct Empirical Research: A Behind-the-Scenes View, Robin A. Boyle and Joanne Ingham
Trinko: A Kinder, Gentler Approach to Dominant Firms Under the Antitrust Laws?, Edward D. Cavanagh
A Satire of Law Firm Employment Practices, Miriam A. Cherry
Towards a Madisonian, Interest-Group-Based, Approach to Lobbying Regulation, Anita S. Krishnakumar
Sanchez-Llamas, American Human Rights Exceptionalism and the VCCR Norm Portal, Margaret E. McGuiness
Women as Architects of Peace: Gender and the Resolution of Armed Conflict, Margaret E. McGuiness
Sending the Message to Students That Revising Means Seeing Their Work Through New Eyes, Patricia Grande Montana
Judging International Judgments, Mark L. Movsesian
Williston as Conservative-Pragmatist, Mark L. Movsesian
White Challengers, Black Majorities: Reconciling Competition in Majority-Minority Districts with the Promise of the Voting Rights Act, Janai S. Nelson
The Evolution of the Reference Interview, Courtney L. Selby
The (Boundedly) Rational Basis of Trademark Liability, Jeremy N. Sheff
Publications from 2006
"One Good Man": The Jacksonian Shape of Nuremberg, John Q. Barrett
The Necessity of Sex Change: A Struggle for Intersex and Transsex Liberties, Noa Ben-Asher
Triptych: Sectarian Disputes, International Law, and Transnational Tribunals in Drinan's "Can God and Caesar Coexist?", Christopher J. Borgen
Contract Drafting Courses for Upper-Level Students: Teaching Tips, Robin A. Boyle
Law Students With Attention Deficit Disorder: How to Reach Them, How to Teach Them, Robin A. Boyle
Decentering the Firm: The Limited Liability Company and Low-Wage Immigrant Women Workers, Miriam A. Cherry
Markets for Markets: Origins and Subjects of Information Markets, Miriam A. Cherry and Robert L. Rogers
Tiresias and the Justices: Using Information Markets to Predict Supreme Court Decisions, Miriam A. Cherry and Robert L. Rogers
Culture as Justification, Not Excuse, Elaine M. Chiu
Culture in Our Midst, Elaine M. Chiu
Recoiling from Religion, Marc O. DeGirolami
The New Religious Prisons and Their Retributivist Commitments, Marc O. DeGirolami
Generation X in Law School: How These Law Students are Different from Those Who Teach Them, Joanne Ingham and Robin A. Boyle
Exploring the Limits of International Human Rights Law, Margaret E. McGuiness
Multilateralism and War: A Taxonomy of Institutional Functions, Margaret E. McGuiness
Case Concerning Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo: The ICJ Finds Uganda Acted Unlawfully and Orders Reparations, Margaret E. McGuinness
Contesting the "Sovereigntists": How to Learn to Stop Worrying and Love International Institutions, Margaret E. McGuinness
Medellin, Norm Portals, and the Horizontal Integration of International Human Rights, Margaret E. McGuinness
Formalism in American Contract Law: Classical and Contemporary, Mark L. Movsesian
Law, Ideology, and Strategy in Judicial Decision Making: Evidence from Securities Fraud Actions, Michael A. Perino
Publications from 2005
A Commander's Power, A Civilian's Reason: Justice Jackson's Korematsu Dissent, John Q. Barrett
Albany in the Life Trajectory of Robert H. Jackson, John Q. Barrett
Robert H. Jackson's Oral Arguments Before the New York Court of Appeals, John Q. Barrett
Screening Historical Sexualities: A Roundtable on Sodomy, South Africa, and Proteus, Noa Ben-Asher, R. Bruce Brasell, Daniel Garrett, John Greyson, Jack Lewis, and Susan Newton-King
Resolving Treaty Conflicts, Christopher J. Borgen
In Response to the Remarks by Lawrence H. Summers, Presenting Empirical Data on the Differences in Learning Styles Between Males and Females, Robin Boyle Laisure and Andrea Honigsfeld
Applying Learning-Styles Theory in the Workplace: How to Maximize Learning-Styles Strengths to Improve Work Performance in Law Practice, Robin A. Boyle
Antitrust Remedies Revisited, Edward D. Cavanagh
The FTAIA and Empagran: What Next, Edward D. Cavanagh
A Tyrannosaurus-Rex Aptly Named "Sue": Using a Disputed Dinosaur to Teach Contract Defenses, Miriam A. Cherry
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (Cases): Gender Stereotypes and Sexual Harassment Since the Passage of Title VII, Miriam A. Cherry
The Challenge of Motive in the Criminal Law, Elaine M. Chiu
Congressional Threats of Removal Against Federal Judges, Marc O. DeGirolami
In Defense of the Debt Limit Statute, Anita S. Krishnakumar
The Internationalism of Justice Harry Blackmun, Margaret E. McGuinness
Introduction: A Good Idea, Mark L. Movsesian
Rediscovering Williston, Mark L. Movsesian
The Sutherland Report and Dispute Settlement, Mark L. Movsesian
Introduction to Symposium on People of Color, Women, and the Public Corporation: The Sophistication of Discrimination, Cheryl L. Wade
Publications from 2004
Paradoxes of Health and Equality: When a Boy Becomes a Girl, Noa Ben-Asher
Grandparents’ Rights: What Every Grandparent Needs to Know, Robin Boyle
Illinois Brick: A Look Back and a Look Ahead, Edward D. Cavanagh