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Volume 44, Spring 1970, Special Edition
This special issue contains only articles and related material from Symposium: Conglomerate Mergers and Acquisitions: Opinion & Analysis. The Symposium is divided into four separate sections: Economics, Antitrust, Financial Disclosure, and Taxation.Editorial Board
Edwin M. Zimmerman
The Conglomerate: An Agglomeration of Views Reviewed
Irwin M. Stelzer
Conglomerate Mergers and Acquisitions: An Introduction
Martin L. Lindahl
Conglomerates and Business Competition: An Introduction
Irving Lipkowitz
The Conglomerate Merger Wave: An Introduction
William G. Shepherd
The Economic Aspects of Conglomerates
Jerome B. Cohen
A Concept of the Conglomerate Firm
John M. Kuhlman and Richard M. Duke
The Nature and Significance of Conglomerate Firms
J. Fred Weston
Some Economic Aspects of Conglomerate Growth
Peter Asch and Matityahu Marcus
Conglomerate Mergers and Competition
Jules Backman
Conglomerate Mergers: The Myth and the Reality
David R. Kamerschen
Pre-Merger Growth and Profit Characteristics of Large Conglomerate Mergers in the United States: 1948--1968
Stanley E. Boyle
Conglomerate Mergers: A Monopoly Problem?
Richard A. Miller
Conglomerates in the Retail Trade
Stanley C. Hollander
Conglomerates: The Need for Rational Policy Making
Mary Gardiner Jones and Edward J. Heiden
Economic Policy and the Conglomerate Merger
Charles H. Berry
Antitrust and the Conglomerate: A Policy in Search of a Theory
Jesse W. Markham
The Conglomerates: A Neighbor's View
L. E. Birdzell
Supply Space and Horizontality in Firms and Mergers
John C. Narver
A Probabilistic Approach to Conglomerate Mergers
Lee E. Preston
Conglomerateness: Size and Monopoly Control
Werner Sichel
Profits from Merger: The Evidence of Fifty Years
Thomas F. Hogarty
The Changing Dimensions of Business Power
Corwin D. Edwards
Diversification by Merger in International Perspective
Hans G. Mueller
The Place of Conglomerates and Congenerics in Banking
Peter M. Gutmann
Financial Congenerics and Antitrust Policy
Wm. Paul Smith
Conglomerate Commercial Banking: Issues and Policies
Benjamin J. Klebaner
Conglomerate Mergers and Antitrust Policy: An Introduction
Richard A. Posner
Aristotle and Congress
Jerrold G. Van Cise
The Emperor's New Clothes: Why Is Reciprocity Anticompetitive?
Wesley J. Liebeler
The Concentric Merger and Section 7 of the Clayton Act
Richard A. Solomon
Conglomerate Mergers: The Developing Antitrust Guidelines
John Vanderstar
Conglomerates, Conglomerate Mergers and the Federal Antitrust Laws
John T. Miller Jr.
Section 7 of the Clayton Act as Applied to Conglomerate Mergers: Incipient Antitrust Doctrine
Luther C. McKinney
Conglomerates Under the Microscope: The Search for Uncertainty in an Uncertain World
William L. McGovern
Antitrust in Dubious Battle
Robert H. Bork
A Lawyer's View of Conglomerate Mergers
John T. Loughlin
Conglomerates: A Businessman's View
Harold S. Geneen
Oligopoly Under Attack: New Approaches to an Old Problem
Don T. Hibner Jr.
The International Firm and Its Implications
Eberhard Gunther
The Banking Conglomerate
Eugene J. Metzger
The Conglomerate as an Investment Vehicle
Jerome S. Katzin
Accounting Principles and Conglomerate Growth
Arthur R. Wyatt and Leonard Spacek
Mergers--The Accountant as a Creative Artist
Lee J. Seidler
Combinations, Permutations, and Pooling
Russell A. Taussig
Accounting Options and Conglomerate Growth
Henry P. Hill
Accounting for Business Combinations: Choice or Dilemma
Abraham M. Stanger
Financial Motives for Conglomerate Growth
Abraham J. Briloff
That Complex Earnings Per Share Figure (A Product of the Merger Movement)
Martin Mellman and Norman Prisand
Conglomerates and Take-Overs
Richard B. Smith
Take-Overs and Tenders: A Stock Exchange Viewpoint
Robert W. Haack
Financial Packaging in Perspective
Samuel L. Hayes III
SEC "Line of Business" Reporting Requirements
A. A. Sommer Jr.
Divisional Reporting by Diversified Corporations: A Businessman's View
Theodore H. Silbert
Divisional Reporting and the Insurance Company Exemption
Adam M. Duncan
Appendix--Proposed APB Opinion: Business Combinations and Intangible Assets
Accounting Principles Board of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Impact of the Acquisition Indebtedness Provisions of the Tax Reform Act of 1969 on Corporate Mergers
Leonard L. Silverstein
Miching Mallecho: The Tax Reformers' Sneak Attack on Conglomerates
Daniel Candee Knickerbocker Jr.
The Tax Legislation Against Conglomerates--The Case Against the Tax Legislation
George H. Jewell Jr.
Tax Aspects of Corporate Acquisitions
Warren G. Wintrub, Raymond E. Graichen, and Harry W. Keidan
Corporate Reorganizations: Some Current Developments Including the Tax Reform Act of 1969
John D. Shors
Acquiring the Closely-Held Corporation
Robert S. Taft
Action Against Conglomerates--Will it Hurt Small Business?
J. Malcolm Swenson
Amy R. Jennings