Most Recent Additions*
Human-Animal Chimeras: An Omen for Disaster or an Answer to Our Prayers?
Catherine A. Zimmermann
“Don’t Say Gay”: Florida’s Suppression of LGBTQ+ Identities Under the Guise of Parental Empowerment
Alex J. Snow
When Does a Lie Become an Obstruction of Justice?
Michael Allain
The Fight Against Anti-Wokeism in the Classroom: Legal System's Role in Maintaining the Status Quo (2024)
Joseph Kim, Kyle Reinhard, Taifha Natalee Alexander, Melinda S. Molina, and David Mitchell
Liberty and Justice For All?: Examining Shortcomings in the Rights of the Incarcerated
Sherman J. Clark, Angela Dixon, Jaclyn Kurin, Nicholas Norton, Meghan McGowan, and Sarah E. Ryan
Get Educated: Ask, Tell, and Say Gay
Matthew Oster
Power, Responsibility, and Judicial Deference to Police Expertise in Fourth Amendment Decisionmaking
Nicholas A. Kahn-Fogel
An Empirical Evaluation of the Trademark Modernization Act
Jeremy N. Sheff
*Updated as of 03/21/25.